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This is a test vote

What is your favourite colour?

red3.21 (2.20%)
green55.80 (38.19%)
blue87.10 (59.61%)

decisiveness (31.30%)
unvoted equity (10.13%)
voted equity (89.87%)

40 Voters: Kharin, ElvenSage, Joe Dees, goomba, rhinoceros, Ophis, Sat, Cassidy McGurk, Walter Watts, Hermit, Lukian The Wizard, referent, prometheus, Flux, MoEnzyme, Kid-A, outlawpoet, Blunderov, Feagwath, DrSebby, Warlock, DJ dAndroid, RenegadeSocial, the.bricoleur, David Lucifer, opsima, Casey, michelle, simul, metahuman, Galt, Nikolai, Matt Arnold, LenKen, Alex Future Bokov, Drakeo Vortex, chippedlogic, Pabreetzio, pickler, teh,
votervoted forcomment
David Luciferblue
blue or else!
you know it makes sense
Testing this out [url]http://www.justtesting.com[/url] [img]http://www.slylockfox.com/images/rat_anim.gif[/url]
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opsimaprivateno comment
Caseyprivateno comment
Red can kick blue & green's ass(es). Hah!
Lukian The Wizardblue
I had to lie in high school, because I was in the green house.
Approval voting rocks. http://www.approvalvoting.org/
metahumanprivateno comment
no comment
Nikolaiprivateno comment
Matt Arnoldgreen
For the love of all that is green, we must take a stand against red and blue! I mean my ghod, how much will it TAKE?
Ooh, I’d hafta go with blue—but only because black isn’t an option . . . I love the paradox of black: Whereas it can be considered a color, it would be more accurate to say that black isn’t a color so much as it’s the absence of color.  That’s so cool.
Serene, cool, and calming. That's why they use it in lethal injection chambers. It's the little things...
Alex Future Bokovred
no comment
Drakeo Vortexprivateno comment
no comment
Pabreetzioprivateno comment
DJ dAndroidred
no comment
i prefer them mixed in diferring proportions, hehe
no comment

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