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   Author  Topic: Pure Evil  (Read 733 times)

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Rate Blunderov

"We think in generalities, we live in details"

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Pure Evil
« on: 2007-04-05 03:36:58 »
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[Blunderov] The President has apparently now turned his Einstein-like attention away from the interpretation of statistical data and is now favouring a weary world with his unrivalled ability to assay moral quantities. The President, ladies and gentleman, alone amongst men, is able to certify that a particular quality is PURE evil. That it is free of adulteration and unblemished with good intention. The President alone can certify it so because his voices are very clear. He is chosen to know these things on our behalf.

However, unkind critics might suggest that his 'ability' is founded not so much on a rare talent as it is upon a profound lack of imagination. Certainly it is very clear that the President is unable to conceive of a situation in which he would be prepared to sacrifice his own children to the greater good. Or himself. Or any of his friends. Or any of their children.

That's what poor people are for.


Yet Bush used a horrific tale in Iraq — one in which terrorists put children in a car to get through a checkpoint, then exploded the vehicle — to describe why he won't pull back.

"It makes me realize the nature of the enemy we face, which hardens my resolve to protect the American people," Bush said. "People who do that are not — it's not a civil war, it is pure evil. And I believe we have an obligation to protect ourselves from that evil."

[Bl.] Maybe now we can say along with Kang (of the Simpsons) "We have reached the limits of what rectal probing can teach us". It's going to be a long 2 years.


[Evil]"Oh, Robert, Benson, I feel the power of evil coursing through my veins, filling every corner of my being with the desire to do wrong. I feel so bad, Benson."

"Good, good."

"Yes, it is good, for this is the worst kind of badness that I'm feeling."

"Kill me, master. Kill me."

"Not now, Benson. We have work to do. No lesser work than the overthrowing of Creation itself. We will remake man in our image, not his. We will turn mountains into sea, and the skies into rivers, the fjords into deserts, and the deserts into flatland. . ."
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David Lucifer

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Re:Pure Evil
« Reply #1 on: 2007-04-05 10:53:17 »
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Quote from: Blunderov on 2007-04-05 03:36:58   

Yet Bush used a horrific tale in Iraq — one in which terrorists put children in a car to get through a checkpoint, then exploded the vehicle — to describe why he won't pull back.

"It makes me realize the nature of the enemy we face, which hardens my resolve to protect the American people," Bush said. "People who do that are not — it's not a civil war, it is pure evil. And I believe we have an obligation to protect ourselves from that evil."

Those children are in paradise now. How is that evil?
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