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"We think in generalities, we live in details"
Rats' Alley : The Exodus
« on: 2007-04-04 03:20:06 » |
"I think we are in Rats' Alley where the dead men lost their bones"
The Wastleland
[Blunderov] With the coming of a new political dawn in Washington there will likely be many a frank, and perhaps brutal, reappraisal of circumstances. "Things are going to slide, slide in all directions Won't be nothing Nothing you can measure anymore"
Today's right-wing rat jumping off the sinking ship is Vic Gold, a personal pal of Lynne Cheney's who spills the beans to the Washington Post. Actually all the beans are coming in his soon-to-be-published (this month) book, Invasion of the Party Snatchers: How the Holy-Rollers and the Neo-Cons Destroyed the GOP.
Until then we'll just have to be satisfied with what Gold, a close associate of Bush's father and a true believer from the Barry Goldwater days of conservatism, had to say to the Post:
"For all the Rove-built facade of his being a 'strong' chief executive, George W. Bush has been, by comparison to even hapless Jimmy Carter, the weakest, most out of touch president in modern times," Gold writes. "Think Dan Quayle in cowboy boots."
Do I have to? Can't I just picture a tiny, stunted, angry little penis in a cowboy hat? (I know, I know. Same difference.)
In many ways, Gold's tale of disillusionment is a familiar one. There are plenty of veterans of Reagan and Bush 41 around town who believe Bush and Cheney trashed the institutions and party they helped build from the wreckage of the Goldwater campaign.
But there aren't many who have been on a first-name basis with those they believe are doing the trashing. There aren't many like Vic Gold.
Response from inside the Regime has been… interesting. Lynne Cheney called him yesterday to ask if…
…if Gold would rather she made his nuts into earrings or a lovely brooch? If he wants his family sent to Guantanamo or a black ops site in Hungary? If he'd rather be castrated or spend the rest of his life as a double amputee?
…the stories circulating in Washington like a wildfire was just an April Fool's joke. When Gold told her that it was no joke, she said, "I am sorry to hear that," exactly what Senator Pete "Sneaky Pete" Domenici (R-NM) said to U.S. Attorney David Iglesias before slamming the phone down on him and calling Rove to get him fired.
"I am sorry to hear that," Lynne intoned icily, "Watch your back, Vic. You might find the weather in Washington this spring a little…hazardous to your health, capice?"