Posts: 3160 Reputation: 8.38 Rate Blunderov

"We think in generalities, we live in details"
RE: virus: A G-nother Gnu*
« on: 2006-01-27 03:24:54 » |
[Blunderov] This seemed to ring a bell. Happy w/e all. Best regards.
"...she (Mary Midgley ed.) observes that the question “what is he afraid of?” has persistently proved to be one of the most illuminating questions one can ask of philosophers. The answer, usually, is appearing weak."
Mark Vernon
The Owl of Minerva: A Memoir, Mary Midgley (Routledge) £20/$35 (hb) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *The Gnu Song
Written by M. Flanders and D. Swann © Michael Flanders/Donald Swan
A year ago last Thursday I was strolling in the zoo When I met a man Who thought he knew the lot He was laying down the law About the habits of baboons And the number of quills a porcupine has got
So I asked him what's that creature there He answered, "It's a helk" I might have gone on thinking that was true If the animal in question hadn't Put that chap to shame and remarked "I ain't a helk" I'm a Gnu I'm a Gnu I'm a Gnu How do you do? You really ought to know who's who I'm a Gnu Spelled G-N-U I'm g-not a camel or a kangaroo So let me introduce I'm g-neither man or moose Oh G-no, G-no, G-no - I'm a Gnu
I had taken furnished lodgings down on Rustington-on-Sea Whence I traveled on to Ashton-under-Lyme And the second night I stayed there I was wakened from a dream Which I'll tell you all about some other time Among the hunting trophies on the wall above my head Stuffed and mounted was a face I thought I knew A bison, no it's not a bison An okapi, I don't think it's an okapi Could it be a hartebeest? When I seemed to hear a voice
I'm a Gnu I'm a Gnu A g-nother Gnu
I wish I could g-nash my teeth at you I'm a Gnu How do you do? You really ought to k-now a w-ho's wh-o
I'm a Gnu Spelled G-N-U Call me bison or okapi and I'll sue G-nor am I in the least like that dreadful hartebeest G-No G-No G-No!
I'm a Gnu G-no, G-no, G-no I'm a Gnu G-no, G-no, G-no I'm a Gnu
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