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"We think in generalities, we live in details"
RE: virus: 'It sux being a fat criminal'.
« on: 2006-01-23 11:52:16 » |
[Blunderov] Street life. 197.html
Running From The Police
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First off, I would like to say that running from the police is not a good idea to do. Resisting arrest or interfering with police business is actually quite a significant offense.
Okay, you've just commited a crime (shot someone's car with a pellet gun or some other stupid shit like that) and you hear cop sirens in the distance.
Boom! Your first instinct is to run away. Good idea. Try to choose areas where there are lots of corners (Police vehicles ALWAYS have really powerful searchlights on the side that can let them see for miles) so the cops can't shine the light on you.
One other approach is: Hide! Simply run until you find a suitable area for which to hide in. I find that dumpsters work well, even though they're hard to get into, you will have absolutely no problem climbing in with all of your adrenaline pumping. Once your in your hiding place, hopefully, the police will pass you, thinking that you're still on the run. After they pass you, just slink off into the night from your hiding place and then run like hell and hide again. Do this until you're sure that the police won't catch up to you.
However, if you do manage to evade the Police for the moment, the Police will most definitely will call for back-up (this is really not good because they usually bring K9 units with them.
If the cop that you're running from already has a dog, forget about hiding. Just run and maybe you'll get away.
Also, don't expect the cops to turn on their sirens or lights if the disturbance was called in by someone else. The Police want to surprise you. They always know what you're up to and where you are most likely to be hiding or running. Be creative along the way.
Try to confuse the Police because they are trained to know what a person is going to do under these circumstances.
I can't run very fast, but when I'm excited from running from the police after lighting firecrackers in someone's house or something, I can run faster than a jack rabbit on a field of carrots!
Once you think you fooled them, try a hiding place like hiding in flowerbeds, bushes, or my favorite, behind large trees.
My story about running from the police
It was late September, after school had started. My best friend and I sometimes go out to the movies together (no, I'm not gay). We have fun and steal stuff from people's purses and stuff like that. But this Saturday night out was different.
It was about 9:00 when we entered and about 11:05 P.M. when the movie finished. We watched the Grudge (it was okay). I had some Black Cat firework packets and we started lighting them off behidn the theater in an allyway. We had ran out of firecrackers so we decided to start to walk home. We saw this cop car pull up next to a group of kids around our age (15-16) and we kida freaked. I said to keep cool but Austin (my best friend) was scared as fuck. As luck has it, the people pointed at us and we started walking faster down the street. Through the corner of my eye, I saw the Police car pull out form the alley. It was a Crown Victoria Police car (351 Clevland engine, very powerful, very fast). As soon as we reached the corner, we booked it. I know the cop was totally on to us because I swear I heard the roar of hat 351 Clevland engine in my ears, right behind the corner.
I ran and hid behind a tree. Austin ran in between two houses and dove into a flower bed. They shined the light right on me and I thought I was doomed. But, they pulled ahead to look for Austin! I snuck behind the Crown Vic and crept back down the street. The cops then thought that we circled around and had escaped. As I was then running aroudn the block, looking for Austin, I saw 4 more other Police Vehicles goign down the road I was jsut on. Lucky for me, I had taked off my hooded sweatshirt and hat, jsut in case they had a description. Eventually, me and Austin found each other by whistling. Then, we walked home, with big smiles on our faces.
We had escaped the so called: America's Finest!
Fun adventures. Oh, and If you are skinny, this shit is easy to do, if you're fat like me, you can still do it, but don't expect that you can just wing it and get by. You've gotta work hard.
It sux being a fat criminal. Everyone makes fun of you and then you have to go to their house and fuck it up alot. Stupid people. I hate my neighbors, I wished they would all die.
Have fun!
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