Topic: RE: virus: 'On NSA Spying' an open letter to congress. (Read 670 times) |
Posts: 3160 Reputation: 8.38 Rate Blunderov

"We think in generalities, we live in details"
RE: virus: 'On NSA Spying' an open letter to congress.
« on: 2006-01-21 17:43:33 » |
[Blunderov] This (below) seems an authoritative opinion. Bush swore to uphold the constitution. He has not. In fact, quite the reverse.
How does he continue to survive? It is completely amazing to me. Clinton went down because of a blow-job. And yet Bush carries on regardless. The only conclusion I can draw is that he must be what America wants. And this in spite of the fact that Bin Laden is STILL making video tapes with apparent complete impunity.
Best Regards.
ON NSA SPYING: A LETTER TO CONGRESS By Beth Nolan, Curtis Bradley, David Cole, Geoffrey Stone, Harold Hongju Koh, Kathleen M. Sullivan, Laurence H. Tribe, Martin Lederman, Philip B. Heymann, Richard Epstein, Ronald Dworkin, Walter Dellinger, William S. Sessions, William Van Alstyne
Dear Members of Congress:
We are scholars of constitutional law and former government officials. We write in our individual capacities as citizens concerned by the Bush administration's National Security Agency domestic spying program, as reported in The New York Times, and in particular to respond to the Justice Department's December 22, 2005, letter to the majority and minority leaders of the House and Senate Intelligence Committees setting forth the administration's defense of the program.[1] Although the program's secrecy prevents us from being privy to all of its details, the Justice Department's defense of what it concedes was secret and warrantless electronic surveillance of persons within the United States fails to identify any plausible legal authority for such surveillance. Accordingly the program appears on its face to violate existing law.
The basic legal question here is not new. In 1978, after an extensive investigation of the privacy violations associated with foreign intelligence surveillance programs, Congress and the President enacted the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). Pub. L. 95-511, 92 Stat. 1783. FISA comprehensively regulates electronic surveillance within the United States, striking a careful balance between protecting civil liberties and preserving the "vitally important government purpose" of obtaining valuable intelligence in order to safeguard national security. S. Rep. No. 95-604, pt. 1, at 9 (1977).
With minor exceptions, FISA authorizes electronic surveillance only upon certain specified showings, and only if approved by a court. The statute specifically allows for warrantless wartime domestic electronic surveillance—but only for the first fifteen days of a war. 50 U.S.C. § 1811. It makes criminal any electronic surveillance not authorized by statute, id. § 1809; and it expressly establishes FISA and specified provisions of the federal criminal code (which govern wiretaps for criminal investigation) as the "exclusive means by which electronic surveillance...may be conducted," 18 U.S.C. § 2511(2)(f) (emphasis added).[2]
The Department of Justice concedes that the NSA program was not authorized by any of the above provisions. It maintains, however, that the program did not violate existing law because Congress implicitly authorized the NSA program when it enacted the Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) against al-Qaeda, Pub. L. No. 107-40, 115 Stat. 224 (2001). But the AUMF cannot reasonably be construed to implicitly authorize warrantless electronic surveillance in the United States during wartime, where Congress has expressly and specifically addressed that precise question in FISA and limited any such warrantless surveillance to the first fifteen days of war.
The DOJ also invokes the President's inherent constitutional authority as Commander in Chief to collect "signals intelligence" targeted at the enemy, and maintains that construing FISA to prohibit the President's actions would raise constitutional questions. But even conceding that the President in his role as Commander in Chief may generally collect "signals intelligence" on the enemy abroad, Congress indisputably has authority to regulate electronic surveillance within the United States, as it has done in FISA. Where Congress has so regulated, the President can act in contravention of statute only if his authority is exclusive, that is, not subject to the check of statutory regulation. The DOJ letter pointedly does not make that extraordinary claim.
Moreover, to construe the AUMF as the DOJ suggests would itself raise serious constitutional questions under the Fourth Amendment. The Supreme Court has never upheld warrantless wiretapping within the United States. Accordingly, the principle that statutes should be construed to avoid serious constitutional questions provides an additional reason for concluding that the AUMF does not authorize the President's actions here.
1. Congress did not implicitly authorize the NSA domestic spying program in the AUMF, and in fact expressly prohibited it in FISA The DOJ concedes (Letter at 4) that the NSA program involves "electronic surveillance," which is defined in FISA to mean the interception of the contents of telephone, wire, or e-mail communications that occur, at least in part, in the United States. 50 U.S.C. §§ 1801(f)(1)-(2), 1801(n). The NSA engages in such surveillance without judicial approval, and apparently without the substantive showings that FISA requires—e.g., that the subject is an "agent of a foreign power." Id. § 1805(a). The DOJ does not argue that FISA itself authorizes such electronic surveillance; and, as the DOJ letter acknowledges, 18 U.S.C. § 1809 makes criminal any electronic surveillance not authorized by statute.
The DOJ nevertheless contends that the surveillance is authorized by the AUMF, signed on September 18, 2001, which empowers the President to use "all necessary and appropriate force against" al-Qaeda. According to the DOJ, collecting "signals intelligence" on the enemy, even if it involves tapping US phones without court approval or probable cause, is a "fundamental incident of war" authorized by the AUMF. This argument fails for four reasons.
First, and most importantly, the DOJ's argument rests on an unstated general "implication" from the AUMF that directly contradicts express and specific language in FISA. Specific and "carefully drawn" statutes prevail over general statutes where there is a conflict. Morales v. TWA, Inc., 504 U.S. 374, 384-85 (1992) (quoting International Paper Co. v. Ouelette, 479 U.S. 481, 494 (1987)). In FISA, Congress has directly and specifically spoken on the question of domestic warrantless wiretapping, including during wartime, and it could not have spoken more clearly.
As noted above, Congress has comprehensively regulated all electronic surveillance in the United States, and authorizes such surveillance only pursuant to specific statutes designated as the "exclusive means by which electronic surveillance...and the interception of domestic wire, oral, and electronic communications may be conducted." 18 U.S.C. § 2511(2)(f) (emphasis added). Moreover, FISA specifically addresses the question of domestic wiretapping during wartime. In a provision entitled "Authorization during time of war," FISA dictates that "notwithstanding any other law, the President, through the Attorney General, may authorize electronic surveillance without a court order under this subchapter to acquire foreign intelligence information for a period not to exceed fifteen calendar days following a declaration of war by the Congress." 50 U.S.C. § 1811 (emphasis added). Thus, even where Congress has declared war—a more formal step than an authorization such as the AUMF —the law limits warrantless wiretapping to the first fifteen days of the conflict. Congress explained that if the President needed further warrantless surveillance during wartime, the fifteen days would be sufficient for Congress to consider and enact further authorization.[3] Rather than follow this course, the President acted unilaterally and secretly in contravention of FISA's terms. The DOJ letter remarkably does not even mention FISA's fifteen-day war provision, which directly refutes the President's asserted "implied" authority.
In light of the specific and comprehensive regulation of FISA, especially the fifteen-day war provision, there is no basis for finding in the AUMF's general language implicit authority for unchecked warrantless domestic wiretapping. As Justice Frankfurter stated in rejecting a similar argument by President Truman when he sought to defend the seizure of the steel mills during the Korean War on the basis of implied congressional authorization:
It is one thing to draw an intention of Congress from general language and to say that Congress would have explicitly written what is inferred, where Congress has not addressed itself to a specific situation. It is quite impossible, however, when Congress did specifically address itself to a problem, as Congress did to that of seizure, to find secreted in the interstices of legislation the very grant of power which Congress consciously withheld. To find authority so explicitly withheld disrespect the whole legislative process and the constitutional division of authority between President and Congress. Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer, 343 U.S. 579, 609 (1952) (Frankfurter, J., concurring). Second, the DOJ's argument would require the conclusion that Congress implicitly and sub silentio repealed 18 U.S.C. § 2511(2)(f), the provision that identifies FISA and specific criminal code provisions as "the exclusive means by which electronic surveillance...may be conducted." Repeals by implication are strongly disfavored; they can be established only by "overwhelming evidence," J.E.M. Ag. Supply, Inc. v. Pioneer Hi-Bred Int'l, Inc., 534 U.S. 124, 137 (2001), and "‘the only permissible justification for a repeal by implication is when the earlier and later statutes are irreconcilable,'" id. at 141–142 (quoting Morton v. Mancari, 417 U.S. 535, 550 (1974)). The AUMF and § 2511(2)(f) are not irreconcilable, and there is no evidence, let alone overwhelming evidence, that Congress intended to repeal § 2511(2)(f).
Third, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has admitted that the administration did not seek to amend FISA to authorize the NSA spying program because it was advised that Congress would reject such an amendment.[4] The administration cannot argue on the one hand that Congress authorized the NSA program in the AUMF, and at the same time that it did not ask Congress for such authorization because it feared Congress would say no.[5]
Finally, the DOJ's reliance upon Hamdi v. Rumsfeld, 542 U.S. 507 (2004), to support its reading of the AUMF, see DOJ Letter at 3, is misplaced. A plurality of the Court in Hamdi held that the AUMF authorized military detention of enemy combatants captured on the battlefield abroad as a "fundamental incident of waging war." Id. at 519. The plurality expressly limited this holding to individuals who were "part of or supporting forces hostile to the United States or coalition partners in Afghanistan and who engaged in an armed conflict against the United States there." Id. at 516 (emphasis added). It is one thing, however, to say that foreign battlefield capture of enemy combatants is an incident of waging war that Congress intended to authorize. It is another matter entirely to treat unchecked war-rantless domestic spying as included in that authorization, especially where an existing statute specifies that other laws are the "exclusive means" by which electronic surveillance may be conducted and provides that even a declaration of war authorizes such spying only for a fifteen-day emergency period.[6]
2. Construing FISA to prohibit warrantless domestic wiretapping does not raise any serious constitutional question, while construing the AUMF to authorize such wiretapping would raise serious questions under the Fourth Amendment The DOJ argues that FISA and the AUMF should be construed to permit the NSA program's domestic surveillance because there otherwise might be a "conflict between FISA and the President's Article II authority as Commander-in-Chief." DOJ Letter at 4. The statutory scheme described above is not ambiguous, and therefore the constitutional avoidance doctrine is not even implicated. See United States v. Oakland Cannabis Buyers' Coop., 532 U.S. 483, 494 (2001) (the "canon of constitutional avoidance has no application in the absence of statutory ambiguity"). But were it implicated, it would work against the President, not in his favor. Construing FISA and the AUMF according to their plain meanings raises no serious constitutional questions regarding the President's duties under Article II. Construing the AUMF to permit unchecked warrantless wiretapping without probable cause, however, would raise serious questions under the Fourth Amendment.
A. FISA's Limitations are consistent with the President's Article II role We do not dispute that, absent congressional action, the President might have inherent constitutional authority to collect "signals intelligence" about the enemy abroad. Nor do we dispute that, had Congress taken no action in this area, the President might well be constitutionally empowered to conduct domestic surveillance directly tied and narrowly confined to that goal—subject, of course, to Fourth Amendment limits. Indeed, in the years before FISA was enacted, the federal law involving wiretapping specifically provided that "nothing contained in this chapter or in section 605 of the Communications Act of 1934 shall limit the constitutional power of the obtain foreign intelligence information deemed essential to the security of the United States." 18 U.S.C. § 2511(3) (1976).
But FISA specifically repealed that provision, FISA § 201(c), 92 Stat. 1797, and replaced it with language dictating that FISA and the criminal code are the "exclusive means" of conducting electronic surveillance. In doing so, Congress did not deny that the President has constitutional power to conduct electronic surveillance for national security purposes; rather, Congress properly concluded that "even if the President has the inherent authority in the absence of legislation to authorize warrantless electronic surveillance for foreign intelligence purposes, Congress has the power to regulate the conduct of such surveillance by legislating a reasonable procedure, which then becomes the exclusive means by which such surveillance may be conducted." H.R. Rep. No. 95-1283, pt. 1, at 24 (1978) (emphasis added). This analysis, Congress noted, was "supported by two successive Attorneys General." Id.
To say that the President has inherent authority does not mean that his authority is exclusive, or that his conduct is not subject to statutory regulations enacted (as FISA was) pursuant to Congress's Article I powers. As Justice Jackson famously explained in his influential opinion in Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer, 343 U.S. at 635 (Jackson, J., concurring), the Constitution "enjoins upon its branches separateness but interdependence, autonomy but reciprocity. Presidential powers are not fixed but fluctuate, depending upon their disjunction or conjunction with those of Congress." For example, the President in his role as Commander in Chief directs military operations. But the Framers gave Congress the power to prescribe rules for the regulation of the armed and naval forces, Art. I, § 8, cl. 14, and if a duly enacted statute prohibits the military from engaging in torture or cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment, the President must follow that dictate. As Justice Jackson wrote, when the President acts in defiance of "the expressed or implied will of Congress," his power is "at its lowest ebb." 343 U.S. at 637. In this setting, Jackson wrote, "Presidential power [is] most vulnerable to attack and in the least favorable of all constitutional postures." Id. at 640.
Congress plainly has authority to regulate domestic wiretapping by federal agencies under its Article I powers, and the DOJ does not suggest otherwise. Indeed, when FISA was enacted, the Justice Department agreed that Congress had power to regulate such conduct, and could require judicial approval of foreign intelligence surveillance.[7] FISA does not prohibit foreign intelligence surveillance, but merely imposes reasonable regulation to protect legitimate privacy rights. (For example, although FISA generally requires judicial approval for electronic surveillance of persons within the United States, it permits the executive branch to install a wiretap immediately so long as it obtains judicial approval within seventy-two hours. 50 U.S.C. § 1805(f).)
Just as the President is bound by the statutory prohibition on torture, he is bound by the statutory dictates of FISA.[8] The DOJ once infamously argued that the President as Commander in Chief could ignore even the criminal prohibition on torture,[9] and, more broadly still, that statutes may not "place any limits on the President's determinations as to any terrorist threat, the amount of military force to be used in response, or the method, timing, and nature of the response."[10] But the administration withdrew the August 2002 torture memo after it was disclosed, and for good reason the DOJ does not advance these extreme arguments here. Absent a serious question about FISA's constitutionality, there is no reason even to consider construing the AUMF to have implicitly overturned the carefully designed regulatory regime that FISA establishes. See, e.g., Reno v. Flores, 507 U.S. 292, 314 n.9 (1993) (constitutional avoidance canon applicable only if the constitutional question to be avoided is a serious one, "not to eliminate all possible contentions that the statute might be unconstitutional") (emphasis in original; citation omitted).[11]
B. Construing the AUMF to authorize warrantless domestic wiretapping would raise serious constitutional questions The principle that ambiguous statutes should be construed to avoid serious constitutional questions works against the administration, not in its favor. Interpreting the AUMF and FISA to permit unchecked domestic wiretapping for the duration of the conflict with al-Qaeda would certainly raise serious constitutional questions. The Supreme Court has never upheld such a sweeping power to invade the privacy of Americans at home without individualized suspicion or judicial oversight.
The NSA surveillance program permits wiretapping within the United States without either of the safeguards presumptively required by the Fourth Amendment for electronic surveillance —individualized probable cause and a warrant or other order issued by a judge or magistrate. The Court has long held that wiretaps generally require a warrant and probable cause. Katz v. United States, 389 U.S. 347 (1967). And the only time the Court considered the question of national security wiretaps, it held that the Fourth Amendment prohibits domestic security wiretaps without those safeguards. United States v. United States District Court, 407 U.S. 297 (1972). Although the Court in that case left open the question of the Fourth Amendment validity of warrantless wiretaps for foreign intelligence purposes, its precedents raise serious constitutional questions about the kind of open-ended authority the President has asserted with respect to the NSA program. See id. at 316-18 (explaining difficulty of guaranteeing Fourth Amendment freedoms if domestic surveillance can be conducted solely in the discretion of the executive branch).
Indeed, serious Fourth Amendment questions about the validity of warrantless wiretapping led Congress to enact FISA, in order to "provide the secure framework by which the executive branch may conduct legitimate electronic surveillance for foreign intelligence purposes within the context of this nation's commitment to privacy and individual rights." S. Rep. No. 95-604, at 15 (1978) (citing, inter alia, Zweibon v. Mitchell, 516 F.2d 594 (D.C. Cir. 1975), cert. denied, 425 U.S. 944 (1976), in which the court of appeals held that a warrant must be obtained before a wiretap is installed on a domestic organization that is neither the agent of, nor acting in collaboration with, a foreign power).
Relying on In re Sealed Case No. 02-001, the DOJ argues that the NSA program falls within an exception to the warrant and probable cause requirement for reasonable searches that serve "special needs" above and beyond ordinary law enforcement. But the existence of "special needs" has never been found to permit warrantless wiretapping. "Special needs" generally excuse the warrant and individualized suspicion requirements only where those requirements are impracticable and the intrusion on privacy is minimal. See, e.g., Griffin v. Wisconsin, 483 U.S. 868, 873 (1987). Wiretapping is not a minimal intrusion on privacy, and the experience of FISA shows that foreign intelligence surveillance can be carried out through warrants based on individualized suspicion.
The court in Sealed Case upheld FISA itself, which requires warrants issued by Article III federal judges upon an individualized showing of probable cause that the subject is an "agent of a foreign power." The NSA domestic spying program, by contrast, includes none of these safeguards. It does not require individualized judicial approval, and it does not require a showing that the target is an "agent of a foreign power." According to Attorney General Gonzales, the NSA may wiretap any person in the United States who so much as receives a communication from anyone abroad, if the administration deems either of the parties to be affiliated with al-Qaeda, a member of an organization affiliated with al-Qaeda, "working in support of al Qaeda," or "part of" an organization or group "that is supportive of al Qaeda."[12] Under this reasoning, a US citizen living here who received a phone call from another US citizen who attends a mosque that the administration believes is "supportive" of al-Qaeda could be wiretapped without a warrant. The absence of meaningful safeguards on the NSA program at a minimum raises serious questions about the validity of the program under the Fourth Amendment, and therefore supports an interpretation of the AUMF that does not undercut FISA's regulation of such conduct.
In conclusion, the DOJ letter fails to offer a plausible legal defense of the NSA domestic spying program. If the administration felt that FISA was insufficient, the proper course was to seek legislative amendment, as it did with other aspects of FISA in the Patriot Act, and as Congress expressly contemplated when it enacted the wartime wiretap provision in FISA. One of the crucial features of a constitutional democracy is that it is always open to the President—or anyone else—to seek to change the law. But it is also beyond dispute that, in such a democracy, the President cannot simply violate criminal laws behind closed doors because he deems them obsolete or impracticable.[13]
We hope you find these views helpful to your consideration of the legality of the NSA domestic spying program.
Curtis Bradley, Duke Law School, former Counselor on International Law in the State Department Legal Adviser's Office[14]
David Cole, Georgetown University Law Center
Walter Dellinger, Duke Law School, former Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legal Counsel and Acting Solicitor General
Ronald Dworkin, NYU Law School
Richard Epstein, University of Chicago Law School, Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution
Philip B. Heymann, Harvard Law School, former Deputy Attorney General
Harold Hongju Koh, Dean, Yale Law School, former Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, former Attorney-Adviser, Office of Legal Counsel, DOJ
Martin Lederman, Georgetown University Law Center, former Attorney-Adviser, Office of Legal Counsel, DOJ
Beth Nolan, former Counsel to the President and Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legal Counsel
William S. Sessions, former Director, FBI, former Chief United States District Judge
Geoffrey Stone, Professor of Law and former Provost, University of Chicago
Kathleen Sullivan, Professor and former Dean, Stanford Law School
Laurence H. Tribe, Harvard Law School
William Van Alstyne, William & Mary Law School, former Justice Department attorney
Notes [1] The Justice Department letter can be found at
[2] More detail about the operation of FISA can be found in Congressional Research Service, "Presidential Authority to Conduct Warrantless Electronic Surveillance to Gather Foreign Intelligence Information" (January 5, 2006). This letter was drafted prior to release of the CRS Report, which corroborates the conclusions drawn here.
[3] "The Conferees intend that this [15-day] period will allow time for consideration of any amendment to this act that may be appropriate during a wartime emergency.... The conferees expect that such amendment would be reported with recommendations within 7 days and that each House would vote on the amendment within 7 days thereafter." H.R. Conf. Rep. No. 95-1720, at 34 (1978).
[4] Attorney General Gonzales stated, "We have had discussions with Congress in the past—certain members of Congress—as to whether or not FISA could be amended to allow us to adequately deal with this kind of threat, and we were advised that that would be difficult, if not impossible." Press Briefing by Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and General Michael Hayden, Principal Deputy Director for National Intelligence (December 19, 2005), available at
[5] The administration had a convenient vehicle for seeking any such amendment in the USA PATRIOT Act of 2001, Pub. L. No. 107-56, 115 Stat. 272, enacted in October 2001. The Patriot Act amended FISA in several respects, including in sections 218 (allowing FISA wiretaps in criminal investigations) and 215 (popularly known as the "libraries provision"). Yet the administration did not ask Congress to amend FISA to authorize the warrantless electronic surveillance at issue here.
[6] The DOJ attempts to draw an analogy between FISA and 18 U.S.C. § 4001(a), which provides that the United States may not detain a US citizen "except pursuant to an act of Congress." The DOJ argues that just as the AUMF was deemed to authorize the detention of Hamdi, 542 U.S. at 519, so the AUMF satisfies FISA's requirement that electronic surveillance be "authorized by statute." DOJ Letter at 3-4. The analogy is inapt. As noted above, FISA specifically limits warrantless domestic wartime surveillance to the first fifteen days of the conflict, and 18 U.S.C. § 2511(2)(f) specifies that existing law is the "exclusive means" for domestic wiretapping. Section 4001(a), by contrast, neither expressly addresses detention of the enemy during wartime nor attempts to create an exclusive mechanism for detention. Moreover, the analogy overlooks the carefully limited holding and rationale of the Hamdi plurality, which found the AUMF to be an "explicit congressional authorization for the detention of individuals in the narrow category we describe...who fought against the United States in Afghanistan as part of the Taliban, an organization known to have supported the al Qaeda terrorist network," and whom "Congress sought to target in passing the AUMF." 542 U.S. at 518. By the government's own admission, the NSA program is by no means so limited. See Gonzales/Hayden Press Briefing, supra note 4.
[7] See, e.g., S. Rep. No. 95-604, pt. I, at 16 (1977) (Congress's assertion of power to regulate the President's authorization of electronic surveillance for foreign intelligence purposes was "concurred in by the Attorney General"); Foreign Intelligence Electronic Surveillance: Hearings Before the Subcomm. on Legislation of the House Permanent Select Comm. on Intelligence, 95th Cong., 2d Sess., at 31 (1978) (Letter from John M. Harmon, Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legal Counsel, to Edward P. Boland, Chairman, House Permanent Select Comm. on Intelligence (Apr. 18, 1978)) ("it seems unreasonable to conclude that Congress, in the exercise of its powers in this area, may not vest in the courts the authority to approve intelligence surveillance").
[8] Indeed, Article II imposes on the President the general obligation to enforce laws that Congress has validly enacted, including FISA: "he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed..." (emphasis added). The use of the mandatory "shall" indicates that under our system of separation of powers, he is duty-bound to execute the provisions of FISA, not defy them.
[9] See Memorandum from Jay S. Bybee, Assistant Attorney General, Department of Justice Office of Legal Counsel, to Alberto R. Gonzales, Counsel to the President, Re: Standards of Conduct for Interrogation under 18 U.S.C. §§ 2340-2340A (Aug. 1, 2002), at 31.
[10] Memorandum from John C. Yoo, Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legal Counsel, to the Deputy Counsel to the President, Re: The President's Constitutional Authority to Conduct Military Operations Against Terrorists and Nations Supporting Them (September 25, 2001), available at (emphasis added).
[11] Three years ago, the FISA Court of Review suggested in dictum that Congress cannot "encroach on the President's constitutional power" to conduct foreign intelligence surveillance. In re Sealed Case No. 02-001, 310 F.3d 717, 742 (FIS Ct. Rev. 2002) (per curiam). The FISA Court of Review, however, did not hold that FISA was unconstitutional, nor has any other court suggested that FISA's modest regulations constitute an impermissible encroachment on presidential authority. The FISA Court of Review relied upon United States v. Truong Dihn Hung, 629 F.2d 908 (4th Cir. 1980)—but that court did not suggest that the President's powers were beyond congressional control. To the contrary, the Truong court indicated that FISA's restrictions were constitutional. 629 F.2d at 915 n.4 (noting that "the imposition of a warrant requirement, beyond the constitutional minimum described in this opinion, should be left to the intricate balancing performed in the course of the legislative process by Congress and the President") (emphasis added).
[12] See Gonzales/Hayden Press Briefing, supra note 4.
[13] During consideration of FISA, the House of Representatives noted, "The decision as to the standards governing when and how foreign intelligence electronic surveillance should be conducted is and should be a political decision...properly made by the political branches of Government together, not adopted by one branch on its own and with no regard for the other. Under our Constitution legislation is the embodiment of just such political decisions." H.R. Conf. Rep. No. 95-1283, pt. 1, at 21-22.
Attorney General Griffin Bell supported FISA in part because "no matter how well intentioned or ingenious the persons in the Executive branch who formulate these measures, the crucible of the legislative process will ensure that the procedures will be affirmed by that branch of government which is more directly responsible to the electorate." Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978: Hearings Before the Subcommittee on Intelligence and the Rights of Americans of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, 95th Cong., 2d Sess. 12 (1997).
[14] Affiliations are noted for identification purposes only.
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RE: virus: 'On NSA Spying' an open letter to congress.
« Reply #1 on: 2006-01-22 14:16:29 » |
I would beg to differ that Clinton went down for a blow job, although Monica certainly went down on and for him. Clinton beat the impeachment, won a war in Kosovo, and gained Democratic seats in his lame duck term, all at the same time. I sure miss that kind of competance. It seems that Republican revisionism often portrays these events as Clinton's downfall, if they could only be so effective in their best moments.
> [Original Message] > From: Blunderov <> > To: <> > Date: 01/21/2006 2:45:30 PM > Subject: RE: virus: 'On NSA Spying' an open letter to congress. > > [Blunderov] This (below) seems an authoritative opinion. Bush swore to > uphold the constitution. He has not. In fact, quite the reverse. > > How does he continue to survive? It is completely amazing to me. Clinton > went down because of a blow-job. And yet Bush carries on regardless. The > only conclusion I can draw is that he must be what America wants. And this > in spite of the fact that Bin Laden is STILL making video tapes with > apparent complete impunity. > > Best Regards. > > > > ON NSA SPYING: A LETTER TO CONGRESS > By Beth Nolan, Curtis Bradley, David Cole, Geoffrey Stone, Harold Hongju > Koh, Kathleen M. Sullivan, Laurence H. Tribe, Martin Lederman, Philip B. > Heymann, Richard Epstein, Ronald Dworkin, Walter Dellinger, William S. > Sessions, William Van Alstyne > > Dear Members of Congress: > > We are scholars of constitutional law and former government officials. We > write in our individual capacities as citizens concerned by the Bush > administration's National Security Agency domestic spying program, as > reported in The New York Times, and in particular to respond to the Justice > Department's December 22, 2005, letter to the majority and minority leaders > of the House and Senate Intelligence Committees setting forth the > administration's defense of the program.[1] Although the program's secrecy > prevents us from being privy to all of its details, the Justice Department's > defense of what it concedes was secret and warrantless electronic > surveillance of persons within the United States fails to identify any > plausible legal authority for such surveillance. Accordingly the program > appears on its face to violate existing law. > > The basic legal question here is not new. In 1978, after an extensive > investigation of the privacy violations associated with foreign intelligence > surveillance programs, Congress and the President enacted the Foreign > Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). Pub. L. 95-511, 92 Stat. 1783. FISA > comprehensively regulates electronic surveillance within the United States, > striking a careful balance between protecting civil liberties and preserving > the "vitally important government purpose" of obtaining valuable > intelligence in order to safeguard national security. S. Rep. No. 95-604, > pt. 1, at 9 (1977). > > With minor exceptions, FISA authorizes electronic surveillance only upon > certain specified showings, and only if approved by a court. The statute > specifically allows for warrantless wartime domestic electronic > surveillance—but only for the first fifteen days of a war. 50 U.S.C. § 1811. > It makes criminal any electronic surveillance not authorized by statute, id. > § 1809; and it expressly establishes FISA and specified provisions of the > federal criminal code (which govern wiretaps for criminal investigation) as > the "exclusive means by which electronic surveillance...may be conducted," > 18 U.S.C. § 2511(2)(f) (emphasis added).[2] > > The Department of Justice concedes that the NSA program was not authorized > by any of the above provisions. It maintains, however, that the program did > not violate existing law because Congress implicitly authorized the NSA > program when it enacted the Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) > against al-Qaeda, Pub. L. No. 107-40, 115 Stat. 224 (2001). But the AUMF > cannot reasonably be construed to implicitly authorize warrantless > electronic surveillance in the United States during wartime, where Congress > has expressly and specifically addressed that precise question in FISA and > limited any such warrantless surveillance to the first fifteen days of war. > > The DOJ also invokes the President's inherent constitutional authority as > Commander in Chief to collect "signals intelligence" targeted at the enemy, > and maintains that construing FISA to prohibit the President's actions would > raise constitutional questions. But even conceding that the President in his > role as Commander in Chief may generally collect "signals intelligence" on > the enemy abroad, Congress indisputably has authority to regulate electronic > surveillance within the United States, as it has done in FISA. Where > Congress has so regulated, the President can act in contravention of statute > only if his authority is exclusive, that is, not subject to the check of > statutory regulation. The DOJ letter pointedly does not make that > extraordinary claim. > > Moreover, to construe the AUMF as the DOJ suggests would itself raise > serious constitutional questions under the Fourth Amendment. The Supreme > Court has never upheld warrantless wiretapping within the United States. > Accordingly, the principle that statutes should be construed to avoid > serious constitutional questions provides an additional reason for > concluding that the AUMF does not authorize the President's actions here. > > 1. > Congress did not implicitly authorize the NSA domestic spying program in the > AUMF, and in fact expressly prohibited it in FISA > The DOJ concedes (Letter at 4) that the NSA program involves "electronic > surveillance," which is defined in FISA to mean the interception of the > contents of telephone, wire, or e-mail communications that occur, at least > in part, in the United States. 50 U.S.C. §§ 1801(f)(1)-(2), 1801(n). The NSA > engages in such surveillance without judicial approval, and apparently > without the substantive showings that FISA requires—e.g., that the subject > is an "agent of a foreign power." Id. § 1805(a). The DOJ does not argue that > FISA itself authorizes such electronic surveillance; and, as the DOJ letter > acknowledges, 18 U.S.C. § 1809 makes criminal any electronic surveillance > not authorized by statute. > > The DOJ nevertheless contends that the surveillance is authorized by the > AUMF, signed on September 18, 2001, which empowers the President to use "all > necessary and appropriate force against" al-Qaeda. According to the DOJ, > collecting "signals intelligence" on the enemy, even if it involves tapping > US phones without court approval or probable cause, is a "fundamental > incident of war" authorized by the AUMF. This argument fails for four > reasons. > > First, and most importantly, the DOJ's argument rests on an unstated general > "implication" from the AUMF that directly contradicts express and specific > language in FISA. Specific and "carefully drawn" statutes prevail over > general statutes where there is a conflict. Morales v. TWA, Inc., 504 U.S. > 374, 384-85 (1992) (quoting International Paper Co. v. Ouelette, 479 U.S. > 481, 494 (1987)). In FISA, Congress has directly and specifically spoken on > the question of domestic warrantless wiretapping, including during wartime, > and it could not have spoken more clearly. > > As noted above, Congress has comprehensively regulated all electronic > surveillance in the United States, and authorizes such surveillance only > pursuant to specific statutes designated as the "exclusive means by which > electronic surveillance...and the interception of domestic wire, oral, and > electronic communications may be conducted." 18 U.S.C. § 2511(2)(f) > (emphasis added). Moreover, FISA specifically addresses the question of > domestic wiretapping during wartime. In a provision entitled "Authorization > during time of war," FISA dictates that "notwithstanding any other law, the > President, through the Attorney General, may authorize electronic > surveillance without a court order under this subchapter to acquire foreign > intelligence information for a period not to exceed fifteen calendar days > following a declaration of war by the Congress." 50 U.S.C. § 1811 (emphasis > added). Thus, even where Congress has declared war—a more formal step than > an authorization such as the AUMF —the law limits warrantless wiretapping to > the first fifteen days of the conflict. Congress explained that if the > President needed further warrantless surveillance during wartime, the > fifteen days would be sufficient for Congress to consider and enact further > authorization.[3] Rather than follow this course, the President acted > unilaterally and secretly in contravention of FISA's terms. The DOJ letter > remarkably does not even mention FISA's fifteen-day war provision, which > directly refutes the President's asserted "implied" authority. > > In light of the specific and comprehensive regulation of FISA, especially > the fifteen-day war provision, there is no basis for finding in the AUMF's > general language implicit authority for unchecked warrantless domestic > wiretapping. As Justice Frankfurter stated in rejecting a similar argument > by President Truman when he sought to defend the seizure of the steel mills > during the Korean War on the basis of implied congressional authorization: > > It is one thing to draw an intention of Congress from general language and > to say that Congress would have explicitly written what is inferred, where > Congress has not addressed itself to a specific situation. It is quite > impossible, however, when Congress did specifically address itself to a > problem, as Congress did to that of seizure, to find secreted in the > interstices of legislation the very grant of power which Congress > consciously withheld. To find authority so explicitly withheld > disrespect the whole legislative process and the constitutional division of > authority between President and Congress. Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. > Sawyer, 343 U.S. 579, 609 (1952) (Frankfurter, J., concurring). > Second, the DOJ's argument would require the conclusion that Congress > implicitly and sub silentio repealed 18 U.S.C. § 2511(2)(f), the provision > that identifies FISA and specific criminal code provisions as "the exclusive > means by which electronic surveillance...may be conducted." Repeals by > implication are strongly disfavored; they can be established only by > "overwhelming evidence," J.E.M. Ag. Supply, Inc. v. Pioneer Hi-Bred Int'l, > Inc., 534 U.S. 124, 137 (2001), and "‘the only permissible justification for > a repeal by implication is when the earlier and later statutes are > irreconcilable,'" id. at 141–142 (quoting Morton v. Mancari, 417 U.S. 535, > 550 (1974)). The AUMF and § 2511(2)(f) are not irreconcilable, and there is > no evidence, let alone overwhelming evidence, that Congress intended to > repeal § 2511(2)(f). > > Third, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has admitted that the > administration did not seek to amend FISA to authorize the NSA spying > program because it was advised that Congress would reject such an > amendment.[4] The administration cannot argue on the one hand that Congress > authorized the NSA program in the AUMF, and at the same time that it did not > ask Congress for such authorization because it feared Congress would say > no.[5] > > Finally, the DOJ's reliance upon Hamdi v. Rumsfeld, 542 U.S. 507 (2004), to > support its reading of the AUMF, see DOJ Letter at 3, is misplaced. A > plurality of the Court in Hamdi held that the AUMF authorized military > detention of enemy combatants captured on the battlefield abroad as a > "fundamental incident of waging war." Id. at 519. The plurality expressly > limited this holding to individuals who were "part of or supporting forces > hostile to the United States or coalition partners in Afghanistan and who > engaged in an armed conflict against the United States there." Id. at 516 > (emphasis added). It is one thing, however, to say that foreign battlefield > capture of enemy combatants is an incident of waging war that Congress > intended to authorize. It is another matter entirely to treat unchecked > war-rantless domestic spying as included in that authorization, especially > where an existing statute specifies that other laws are the "exclusive > means" by which electronic surveillance may be conducted and provides that > even a declaration of war authorizes such spying only for a fifteen-day > emergency period.[6] > > 2. > Construing FISA to prohibit warrantless domestic wiretapping does not raise > any serious constitutional question, while construing the AUMF to authorize > such wiretapping would raise serious questions under the Fourth Amendment > The DOJ argues that FISA and the AUMF should be construed to permit the NSA > program's domestic surveillance because there otherwise might be a "conflict > between FISA and the President's Article II authority as > Commander-in-Chief." DOJ Letter at 4. The statutory scheme described above > is not ambiguous, and therefore the constitutional avoidance doctrine is not > even implicated. See United States v. Oakland Cannabis Buyers' Coop., 532 > U.S. 483, 494 (2001) (the "canon of constitutional avoidance has no > application in the absence of statutory ambiguity"). But were it implicated, > it would work against the President, not in his favor. Construing FISA and > the AUMF according to their plain meanings raises no serious constitutional > questions regarding the President's duties under Article II. Construing the > AUMF to permit unchecked warrantless wiretapping without probable cause, > however, would raise serious questions under the Fourth Amendment. > > A. FISA's Limitations are consistent with the President's Article II role > We do not dispute that, absent congressional action, the President might > have inherent constitutional authority to collect "signals intelligence" > about the enemy abroad. Nor do we dispute that, had Congress taken no action > in this area, the President might well be constitutionally empowered to > conduct domestic surveillance directly tied and narrowly confined to that > goal—subject, of course, to Fourth Amendment limits. Indeed, in the years > before FISA was enacted, the federal law involving wiretapping specifically > provided that "nothing contained in this chapter or in section 605 of the > Communications Act of 1934 shall limit the constitutional power of the > obtain foreign intelligence information deemed essential to > the security of the United States." 18 U.S.C. § 2511(3) (1976). > > But FISA specifically repealed that provision, FISA § 201(c), 92 Stat. 1797, > and replaced it with language dictating that FISA and the criminal code are > the "exclusive means" of conducting electronic surveillance. In doing so, > Congress did not deny that the President has constitutional power to conduct > electronic surveillance for national security purposes; rather, Congress > properly concluded that "even if the President has the inherent authority in > the absence of legislation to authorize warrantless electronic surveillance > for foreign intelligence purposes, Congress has the power to regulate the > conduct of such surveillance by legislating a reasonable procedure, which > then becomes the exclusive means by which such surveillance may be > conducted." H.R. Rep. No. 95-1283, pt. 1, at 24 (1978) (emphasis added). > This analysis, Congress noted, was "supported by two successive Attorneys > General." Id. > > To say that the President has inherent authority does not mean that his > authority is exclusive, or that his conduct is not subject to statutory > regulations enacted (as FISA was) pursuant to Congress's Article I powers. > As Justice Jackson famously explained in his influential opinion in > Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer, 343 U.S. at 635 (Jackson, J., > concurring), the Constitution "enjoins upon its branches separateness but > interdependence, autonomy but reciprocity. Presidential powers are not fixed > but fluctuate, depending upon their disjunction or conjunction with those of > Congress." For example, the President in his role as Commander in Chief > directs military operations. But the Framers gave Congress the power to > prescribe rules for the regulation of the armed and naval forces, Art. I, § > 8, cl. 14, and if a duly enacted statute prohibits the military from > engaging in torture or cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment, the > President must follow that dictate. As Justice Jackson wrote, when the > President acts in defiance of "the expressed or implied will of Congress," > his power is "at its lowest ebb." 343 U.S. at 637. In this setting, Jackson > wrote, "Presidential power [is] most vulnerable to attack and in the least > favorable of all constitutional postures." Id. at 640. > > Congress plainly has authority to regulate domestic wiretapping by federal > agencies under its Article I powers, and the DOJ does not suggest otherwise. > Indeed, when FISA was enacted, the Justice Department agreed that Congress > had power to regulate such conduct, and could require judicial approval of > foreign intelligence surveillance.[7] FISA does not prohibit foreign > intelligence surveillance, but merely imposes reasonable regulation to > protect legitimate privacy rights. (For example, although FISA generally > requires judicial approval for electronic surveillance of persons within the > United States, it permits the executive branch to install a wiretap > immediately so long as it obtains judicial approval within seventy-two > hours. 50 U.S.C. § 1805(f).) > > Just as the President is bound by the statutory prohibition on torture, he > is bound by the statutory dictates of FISA.[8] The DOJ once infamously > argued that the President as Commander in Chief could ignore even the > criminal prohibition on torture,[9] and, more broadly still, that statutes > may not "place any limits on the President's determinations as to any > terrorist threat, the amount of military force to be used in response, or > the method, timing, and nature of the response."[10] But the administration > withdrew the August 2002 torture memo after it was disclosed, and for good > reason the DOJ does not advance these extreme arguments here. Absent a > serious question about FISA's constitutionality, there is no reason even to > consider construing the AUMF to have implicitly overturned the carefully > designed regulatory regime that FISA establishes. See, e.g., Reno v. Flores, > 507 U.S. 292, 314 n.9 (1993) (constitutional avoidance canon applicable only > if the constitutional question to be avoided is a serious one, "not to > eliminate all possible contentions that the statute might be > unconstitutional") (emphasis in original; citation omitted).[11] > > B. Construing the AUMF to authorize warrantless domestic wiretapping would > raise serious constitutional questions > The principle that ambiguous statutes should be construed to avoid serious > constitutional questions works against the administration, not in its favor. > Interpreting the AUMF and FISA to permit unchecked domestic wiretapping for > the duration of the conflict with al-Qaeda would certainly raise serious > constitutional questions. The Supreme Court has never upheld such a sweeping > power to invade the privacy of Americans at home without individualized > suspicion or judicial oversight. > > The NSA surveillance program permits wiretapping within the United States > without either of the safeguards presumptively required by the Fourth > Amendment for electronic surveillance —individualized probable cause and a > warrant or other order issued by a judge or magistrate. The Court has long > held that wiretaps generally require a warrant and probable cause. Katz v. > United States, 389 U.S. 347 (1967). And the only time the Court considered > the question of national security wiretaps, it held that the Fourth > Amendment prohibits domestic security wiretaps without those safeguards. > United States v. United States District Court, 407 U.S. 297 (1972). Although > the Court in that case left open the question of the Fourth Amendment > validity of warrantless wiretaps for foreign intelligence purposes, its > precedents raise serious constitutional questions about the kind of > open-ended authority the President has asserted with respect to the NSA > program. See id. at 316-18 (explaining difficulty of guaranteeing Fourth > Amendment freedoms if domestic surveillance can be conducted solely in the > discretion of the executive branch). > > Indeed, serious Fourth Amendment questions about the validity of warrantless > wiretapping led Congress to enact FISA, in order to "provide the secure > framework by which the executive branch may conduct legitimate electronic > surveillance for foreign intelligence purposes within the context of this > nation's commitment to privacy and individual rights." S. Rep. No. 95-604, > at 15 (1978) (citing, inter alia, Zweibon v. Mitchell, 516 F.2d 594 (D.C. > Cir. 1975), cert. denied, 425 U.S. 944 (1976), in which the court of appeals > held that a warrant must be obtained before a wiretap is installed on a > domestic organization that is neither the agent of, nor acting in > collaboration with, a foreign power). > > Relying on In re Sealed Case No. 02-001, the DOJ argues that the NSA program > falls within an exception to the warrant and probable cause requirement for > reasonable searches that serve "special needs" above and beyond ordinary law > enforcement. But the existence of "special needs" has never been found to > permit warrantless wiretapping. "Special needs" generally excuse the warrant > and individualized suspicion requirements only where those requirements are > impracticable and the intrusion on privacy is minimal. See, e.g., Griffin v. > Wisconsin, 483 U.S. 868, 873 (1987). Wiretapping is not a minimal intrusion > on privacy, and the experience of FISA shows that foreign intelligence > surveillance can be carried out through warrants based on individualized > suspicion. > > The court in Sealed Case upheld FISA itself, which requires warrants issued > by Article III federal judges upon an individualized showing of probable > cause that the subject is an "agent of a foreign power." The NSA domestic > spying program, by contrast, includes none of these safeguards. It does not > require individualized judicial approval, and it does not require a showing > that the target is an "agent of a foreign power." According to Attorney > General Gonzales, the NSA may wiretap any person in the United States who so > much as receives a communication from anyone abroad, if the administration > deems either of the parties to be affiliated with al-Qaeda, a member of an > organization affiliated with al-Qaeda, "working in support of al Qaeda," or > "part of" an organization or group "that is supportive of al Qaeda."[12] > Under this reasoning, a US citizen living here who received a phone call > from another US citizen who attends a mosque that the administration > believes is "supportive" of al-Qaeda could be wiretapped without a warrant. > The absence of meaningful safeguards on the NSA program at a minimum raises > serious questions about the validity of the program under the Fourth > Amendment, and therefore supports an interpretation of the AUMF that does > not undercut FISA's regulation of such conduct. > > In conclusion, the DOJ letter fails to offer a plausible legal defense of > the NSA domestic spying program. If the administration felt that FISA was > insufficient, the proper course was to seek legislative amendment, as it did > with other aspects of FISA in the Patriot Act, and as Congress expressly > contemplated when it enacted the wartime wiretap provision in FISA. One of > the crucial features of a constitutional democracy is that it is always open > to the President—or anyone else—to seek to change the law. But it is also > beyond dispute that, in such a democracy, the President cannot simply > violate criminal laws behind closed doors because he deems them obsolete or > impracticable.[13] > > We hope you find these views helpful to your consideration of the legality > of the NSA domestic spying program. > > Curtis Bradley, Duke Law School, former Counselor on International Law in > the State Department Legal Adviser's Office[14] > > David Cole, Georgetown University Law Center > > Walter Dellinger, Duke Law School, former Deputy Assistant Attorney General, > Office of Legal Counsel and Acting Solicitor General > > Ronald Dworkin, NYU Law School > > Richard Epstein, University of Chicago Law School, Senior Fellow, Hoover > Institution > > Philip B. Heymann, Harvard Law School, former Deputy Attorney General > > Harold Hongju Koh, Dean, Yale Law School, former Assistant Secretary of > State for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, former Attorney-Adviser, Office > of Legal Counsel, DOJ > > Martin Lederman, Georgetown University Law Center, former Attorney-Adviser, > Office of Legal Counsel, DOJ > > Beth Nolan, former Counsel to the President and Deputy Assistant Attorney > General, Office of Legal Counsel > > William S. Sessions, former Director, FBI, former Chief United States > District Judge > > Geoffrey Stone, Professor of Law and former Provost, University of Chicago > > Kathleen Sullivan, Professor and former Dean, Stanford Law School > > Laurence H. Tribe, Harvard Law School > > William Van Alstyne, William & Mary Law School, former Justice Department > attorney > > Notes > [1] The Justice Department letter can be found at > > > [2] More detail about the operation of FISA can be found in Congressional > Research Service, "Presidential Authority to Conduct Warrantless Electronic > Surveillance to Gather Foreign Intelligence Information" (January 5, 2006). > This letter was drafted prior to release of the CRS Report, which > corroborates the conclusions drawn here. > > [3] "The Conferees intend that this [15-day] period will allow time for > consideration of any amendment to this act that may be appropriate during a > wartime emergency.... The conferees expect that such amendment would be > reported with recommendations within 7 days and that each House would vote > on the amendment within 7 days thereafter." H.R. Conf. Rep. No. 95-1720, at > 34 (1978). > > [4] Attorney General Gonzales stated, "We have had discussions with Congress > in the past—certain members of Congress—as to whether or not FISA could be > amended to allow us to adequately deal with this kind of threat, and we were > advised that that would be difficult, if not impossible." Press Briefing by > Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and General Michael Hayden, Principal > Deputy Director for National Intelligence (December 19, 2005), available at > > > [5] The administration had a convenient vehicle for seeking any such > amendment in the USA PATRIOT Act of 2001, Pub. L. No. 107-56, 115 Stat. 272, > enacted in October 2001. The Patriot Act amended FISA in several respects, > including in sections 218 (allowing FISA wiretaps in criminal > investigations) and 215 (popularly known as the "libraries provision"). Yet > the administration did not ask Congress to amend FISA to authorize the > warrantless electronic surveillance at issue here. > > [6] The DOJ attempts to draw an analogy between FISA and 18 U.S.C. § > 4001(a), which provides that the United States may not detain a US citizen > "except pursuant to an act of Congress." The DOJ argues that just as the > AUMF was deemed to authorize the detention of Hamdi, 542 U.S. at 519, so the > AUMF satisfies FISA's requirement that electronic surveillance be > "authorized by statute." DOJ Letter at 3-4. The analogy is inapt. As noted > above, FISA specifically limits warrantless domestic wartime surveillance to > the first fifteen days of the conflict, and 18 U.S.C. § 2511(2)(f) specifies > that existing law is the "exclusive means" for domestic wiretapping. Section > 4001(a), by contrast, neither expressly addresses detention of the enemy > during wartime nor attempts to create an exclusive mechanism for detention. > Moreover, the analogy overlooks the carefully limited holding and rationale > of the Hamdi plurality, which found the AUMF to be an "explicit > congressional authorization for the detention of individuals in the narrow > category we describe...who fought against the United States in Afghanistan > as part of the Taliban, an organization known to have supported the al Qaeda > terrorist network," and whom "Congress sought to target in passing the > AUMF." 542 U.S. at 518. By the government's own admission, the NSA program > is by no means so limited. See Gonzales/Hayden Press Briefing, supra note 4. > > [7] See, e.g., S. Rep. No. 95-604, pt. I, at 16 (1977) (Congress's assertion > of power to regulate the President's authorization of electronic > surveillance for foreign intelligence purposes was "concurred in by the > Attorney General"); Foreign Intelligence Electronic Surveillance: Hearings > Before the Subcomm. on Legislation of the House Permanent Select Comm. on > Intelligence, 95th Cong., 2d Sess., at 31 (1978) (Letter from John M. > Harmon, Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legal Counsel, to Edward P. > Boland, Chairman, House Permanent Select Comm. on Intelligence (Apr. 18, > 1978)) ("it seems unreasonable to conclude that Congress, in the exercise of > its powers in this area, may not vest in the courts the authority to approve > intelligence surveillance"). > > [8] Indeed, Article II imposes on the President the general obligation to > enforce laws that Congress has validly enacted, including FISA: "he shall > take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed..." (emphasis added). The use > of the mandatory "shall" indicates that under our system of separation of > powers, he is duty-bound to execute the provisions of FISA, not defy them. > > [9] See Memorandum from Jay S. Bybee, Assistant Attorney General, Department > of Justice Office of Legal Counsel, to Alberto R. Gonzales, Counsel to the > President, Re: Standards of Conduct for Interrogation under 18 U.S.C. §§ > 2340-2340A (Aug. 1, 2002), at 31. > > [10] Memorandum from John C. Yoo, Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Office > of Legal Counsel, to the Deputy Counsel to the President, Re: The > President's Constitutional Authority to Conduct Military Operations Against > Terrorists and Nations Supporting Them (September 25, 2001), available at > (emphasis added). > > [11] Three years ago, the FISA Court of Review suggested in dictum that > Congress cannot "encroach on the President's constitutional power" to > conduct foreign intelligence surveillance. In re Sealed Case No. 02-001, 310 > F.3d 717, 742 (FIS Ct. Rev. 2002) (per curiam). The FISA Court of Review, > however, did not hold that FISA was unconstitutional, nor has any other > court suggested that FISA's modest regulations constitute an impermissible > encroachment on presidential authority. The FISA Court of Review relied upon > United States v. Truong Dihn Hung, 629 F.2d 908 (4th Cir. 1980)—but that > court did not suggest that the President's powers were beyond congressional > control. To the contrary, the Truong court indicated that FISA's > restrictions were constitutional. 629 F.2d at 915 n.4 (noting that "the > imposition of a warrant requirement, beyond the constitutional minimum > described in this opinion, should be left to the intricate balancing > performed in the course of the legislative process by Congress and the > President") (emphasis added). > > [12] See Gonzales/Hayden Press Briefing, supra note 4. > > [13] During consideration of FISA, the House of Representatives noted, "The > decision as to the standards governing when and how foreign intelligence > electronic surveillance should be conducted is and should be a political > decision...properly made by the political branches of Government together, > not adopted by one branch on its own and with no regard for the other. Under > our Constitution legislation is the embodiment of just such political > decisions." H.R. Conf. Rep. No. 95-1283, pt. 1, at 21-22. > > Attorney General Griffin Bell supported FISA in part because "no matter how > well intentioned or ingenious the persons in the Executive branch who > formulate these measures, the crucible of the legislative process will > ensure that the procedures will be affirmed by that branch of government > which is more directly responsible to the electorate." Foreign Intelligence > Surveillance Act of 1978: Hearings Before the Subcommittee on Intelligence > and the Rights of Americans of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, > 95th Cong., 2d Sess. 12 (1997). > > [14] Affiliations are noted for identification purposes only. > > > > --- > To unsubscribe from the Virus list go to <> > > > -- > No virus found in this incoming message. > Checked by AVG Free Edition. > Version: 7.1.375 / Virus Database: 267.14.21/236 - Release Date: 01/20/2006
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I will fight your gods for food, Mo Enzyme
 (consolidation of handles: Jake Sapiens; memelab; logicnazi; Loki; Every1Hz; and Shadow)
Posts: 3160 Reputation: 8.38 Rate Blunderov

"We think in generalities, we live in details"
RE: virus: 'On NSA Spying' an open letter to congress.
« Reply #2 on: 2006-01-23 01:27:19 » |
[Blunderov] Yes, I stand corrected. I had forgotten that he was acquitted in the end.
And yes, his, or apparently any, competence is sadly missed. But perhaps 'the darkest hour' and all that?
Somewhat tangentially, here is an essay that attracted my attention.
Open Debate: Spin, Truth and Lies
Stephen Burwood <snip> Winston Churchill said that "In war, the truth must be accompanied by a bodyguard of lies." But what about in the run-up to a war? I refer to the difficulties the British government, and in particular the British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, had and still has in making the case for war with Saddam Hussein's Iraq .
Clare Short famously accused Blair of perpetrating an "honourable deception" in presenting the case for war. Most of the press took Short's phrase as a thin euphemism for a "lie" and were suitably outraged at the possibility that a British Prime Minister might engage in trickery and deception. What lay behind this reaction was the belief that politicians in a democracy ought not to lie, even if we also believe that they do, almost as a matter of course. Judging by the press coverage following the war, when WMD were and are conspicuous by their absence, this is a belief apparently still fervently held by the British press (at least, they present themselves as if they believe this).
But what is a lie?...</snip>
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Jake Sent: 22 January 2006 21:16 To: Subject: RE: virus: 'On NSA Spying' an open letter to congress.
I would beg to differ that Clinton went down for a blow job, although Monica certainly went down on and for him. Clinton beat the impeachment, won a war in Kosovo, and gained Democratic seats in his lame duck term, all at the same time. I sure miss that kind of competance. It seems that Republican revisionism often portrays these events as Clinton's downfall, if they could only be so effective in their best moments.
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Posts: 3160 Reputation: 8.38 Rate Blunderov

"We think in generalities, we live in details"
RE: virus: 'On NSA Spying' an open letter to congress.
« Reply #3 on: 2006-01-23 01:57:35 » |
[Blunderov] Thanks to Limbic Nutrition for this link.
I found the phrase "The most dangerous person in corporate America is the highly enthusiastic incompetent. He's running faster in the wrong direction, doing horribly counterproductive things with winning enthusiasm" especially arresting.
Best regards.
<snip> January 1, 2006 HOW WE LIVE Self-help's big lie By Steve Salerno, Steve Salerno's latest book is "SHAM: How the Self-Help Movement Made America Helpless."
EVER SINCE the United States began weaning itself off the sociological junk food of victimization and its culture of blame, the pop-psychology menu increasingly has been flavored by an antithetical concept - empowerment - that can be summarized as: Believe it, achieve it.
Nowadays, Fortune 500 conglomerates draft business plans with bullet points drawn from Laker coach-cum-inspirational guru Phil Jackson's Zen optimism. Couples write partnership covenants based on the utopian blather of John Gray. Millions of everyday Americans owe their feelings of "personal power" to erstwhile firewalker Tony Robbins, arguably the father of today's mass-market empowerment. And there is Oprah, who is seldom categorized as a guru in her own right but whose status as the movement's eminence grise is beyond dispute: The road to self-help's promised land, and a bite of its $10-billion fruit (as tracked by Marketdata Enterprises), runs straight through Harpo Productions. The nostrums delivered by these and other self-help celebrities form a cultural given, an uncontested - and, we are led to believe, incontestable - foundation for today's starry-eyed zeitgeist.
ADVERTISEMENT Lost in the adulation is the downside of being uplifted. In truth, the overselling of personal empowerment - the hyping of hope - may be the great unsung irony of modern American life, destined to disappoint as surely as the pity party that it was meant to replace.
In U.S. schools, the crusade to imbue kids with that most slippery of notions - self-esteem - has been unambiguously disastrous (and has recently been disavowed by a number of its loudest early voices). Self-esteem-based education presupposed that a healthy ego would help students achieve greatness, even if the mechanisms necessary to instill self-esteem undercut scholarship. Over time, it became clear that what such policies promote is not academic greatness but a bizarre disconnect between perceived self-worth and provable skill.
Over a 20-year span beginning in the early 1970s, the average SAT score fell by 35 points. But in that same period, the contingent of college-bound seniors who boasted an A or B average jumped from 28% to an astonishing 83%, as teachers felt increasing pressure to adopt more "supportive" grading policies. Tellingly, in a 1989 study of comparative math skills among students in eight nations, Americans ranked lowest in overall competence, Koreans highest - but when researchers asked the students how good they thought they were at math, the results were exactly opposite: Americans highest, Koreans lowest. Meanwhile, data from 1999's omnibus Third International Mathematics and Science Study, ranking 12th-graders from 23 nations, put U.S. students in 20th place, besting only South Africa, Lithuania and Cyprus.
Still, the U.S. keeps dressing its young in their emperors' new egos, passing them on to the next set of empowering curricula. If you teach at the college level, as I do, at some point you will be confronted with a student seeking redress over the grade you gave him because "I'm pre-med!" Not until such students reach med school do they encounter truly inelastic standards: a comeuppance for them but a reprieve for those who otherwise might find ourselves anesthetized beneath their second-rate scalpel.
The larger point is that society has embraced such concepts as self-esteem and confidence despite scant evidence that they facilitate positive outcomes. The work of psychologists Roy Baumeister and Martin Seligman suggests that often, high self-worth is actually a marker for negative behavior, as found in sociopaths and drug kingpins. Even in its less extreme manifestations, confidence may easily be expressed in the kind of braggadocio - "I'm fine just the way I am, thank you" - that stunts growth, yielding chronic failure.
Then again, one never really fails in this brave new (euphemistic) world. "There is no such thing as failure," posits a core maxim of neuro-linguistic programming, the regimen from which Robbins drew much of his patter. Among empowered thinkers, reality becomes an arbitrary affair, with each individual deciding his or her personal truth.
Consider healthcare, where vague notions of personal empowerment are a key factor in the startling American exodus from traditional medicine. A comprehensive study reported in the medical journal JAMA pegged the number of patient visits to alternative-medicine practitioners at 629 million a year, easily eclipsing the 386 million visits to conventional MDs. In theory, these defections represent a desire for "self-empowered healing" that will "put people in charge of their healthcare destiny," to quote one holistic health website. In practice, the trend puts hordes of Americans at the mercy of quacks who shrewdly position themselves at the nexus of mind and body. It behooves us to remember that feeling better about a health problem is not the same as doing better.
Nonetheless, with such highly visible exponents of latter-day empowerment as Robbins, Winfrey and Winfrey's principal protege, Dr. Phil McGraw, fanning the flames, a generation has come of age on the belief that a positive mental attitude will carry the day. Far from helping his disciples, the empowerment guru does them a disservice by making them "think positive" about a situation in which the odds of success are exceedingly low. As top management consultant Jay Kurtz argues: "The most dangerous person in corporate America is the highly enthusiastic incompetent. He's running faster in the wrong direction, doing horribly counterproductive things with winning enthusiasm."
You cannot have a life plan predicated on the belief that everything is equally achievable to you - especially if that same message has been sold indiscriminately to all comers. In the grand scheme of things, knowing one's limitations may be even more important than knowing one's talents. </snip>
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