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"We think in generalities, we live in details"
Causes of Death of Philosophers
« on: 2007-04-04 03:53:44 » |
Causes of Death of Philosophers
Here. For example, Rescher died of incoherence while Spinoza died of substance abuse. Miguel de Unamuno expired from a tragic loss of sense. Plantinga perished of necessity, and Augustine by a Hippo. As you can see, some are nasty and one needn't be dead to have a cause of death assigned. Last I checked, Professor Rescher was still happily scribbling away. And that reminds me of a joke.
A student goes to visit Professor Rescher. Secretary informs her that the good doctor is not available because he is writing a book. Student replies, "I'll wait."
[Bl.] Some personal favourites:
Anselm: Than which no deadlier can be conceived Aquinas: Last causes Aristotle: Excessive moderation Bacon, F: Hit by idol in market place Bentham: Fell off his stilts Camus: Found exit Castaneda: Indexical self-disguise Plato: Caved in Chomsky: Degenerative transformation Dawkins: Suicidal genes Dennett: Lost consciousness Derrida: Deconstructed Diogenes: Exposure Eliot: Eructation of unhealthy souls Frege: Fell under a concept Gödel: Became incomplete Hegel: Gave up the Geist Heisenberg: Uncertain causes Hobbes: Nasty causes Husserl: Phenomenally bad luck Lacan: Lack Levi-Strauss: Eaten by natives Nagel, Tom: Struck by bat Paley: Bad design Parmenides: No two ways Pirsig: Motorbike crashed Plato: Caved in Popper: Falsified Protagoras: Eaten by fish Santayana: A thousand vexations and vanities Sartre: Nothing doing Searle: Chinese food Turing: Failed his own test Wittgenstein: Became the late Wittgenstein Zeno: Run over by tortoise