If you aren't familiar with the concept, the Noosphere is a theory of a global consciousness emerging out of the complexity of our society. The analogy I liken it to is that if our own consciousness emerges out of the complexity of our neurons passing impulses (memes), then a more complex entity will emerge out of the passing of memes from one person to another. Any input would be appreciated.
This idea sounds allot like Drunvalo Melchizedek's grid conciousness sphere, but without the mer-ka-ba, and manifested more as an egregore. While the idea of the Noosphere may not appeal to everyone on the level of an absolute truth, I think it's a pretty good social analogy to live by, at the very least.
Yes, I find that it also agrees well with some of the concepts in the Celestine Prophecies. If we let ourselfs see the social connections we make as significant and meaningful then perhaps this will translate into an awakening of a more benevolent consciousness.