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   Author  Topic: One person's way of Life  (Read 1283 times)

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   better_white_meat tywick
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One person's way of Life
« on: 2002-07-23 23:19:46 »
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I found this post on the SoulxChange BBS (Yapper)

It was written by SscotsmanN

Thoughts, Life, and Health
I have noticed many talking about health and weight loss, and thought I would share my experiance. Somewhat of a rant, but below is some information on nutrition, and my experiance with trying to become healthier. If you don't want to read my ramblings in general, scroll down past this first part, you will find the part dealing with health and nutrition as it has worked for me.

I opened my eyes one day and thought to myself, I am a robot like everyone else, I am overtaken by the wrong kinds of commercialism, and contributing to corporate greed by buying their overpriced and sometimes worthless products that may sooner end my life and or destroy the world. I believed in one religion and was to stubborn to see how religions cause wars, and many of these religious people think that having someone to worship and someone to forgive them, then everything will be ok instead of taking the time to try an take care of the place (earth) where they actually are.

I respect religions to an extent of any kind as long as its good for that person, betters their life, and does not interfere with another persons life in very direct or negative way. I suppose that is why I have little respect for Christianity, although I keep to myself mostly, as there is already too much debate about it and war out there, and it bores me for the most part. I have known some great people that were heavy into this religion, and it never seemed to bring us to much conflict. To me some religions are like a drive thru service to be forgiven for @#%$ ups just so you could comit them again because you know deep down you can do it all over again and it will be ok because your god or jesus will forgive. But thats premeditated right? But thats also a sin and yet still forgivable some say. I like paganism for it's dealings with the outdoors, and Buddhism for it's peacefulness. I do not have any one religion.

(Opinion? Maybe, but to me this is what I believe, and seems more realistic. I do not believe anything could be 100 percent factual on this particular subject.) The bible was written by people who twisted Jesus's life into @#%$. He accepted all religions and taught people a good way of living and how to treat others well. Buddah was like this, and other big name philosophers, or "enlightened" people. They did'nt tell people to drop to their knees and bow, they taught a way of life, a way that will make the world last, not to fight over religion. The middle east has been a @#%$ hole of religious wars, and I am sure if Jesus was alive he would vomit at what he saw. I find that being Eclectic is a good way to live, take parts from different teachings and add them to your life in a way it suits you to better yourself, the world and perhaps your offspring, though most of what you see in these books is really common sense, and most would be born and grow into this easy knowledge of doing to or for others, what you would like to be done to or for you in a positive way.

Why did I quit smoking? It's bad for your health, and i just did it. Not to mention I was only contributing to those big cigerette companies that add @#%$ to a plant to just kill people faster. Watch the movie "The Insider". I changed my eating because pesticides are destroying a huge part of the earth. 70 percent I believe if I am not mistaken and I could be, of our fresh water is contaminated. When you use pesticides you have to use more and more and more each year. Organic farming does not ruin the earth and the ways of growing vegetation stays the same every year. People say well it hasnt killed me yet (the pesticide grown fruits). Look at the cancer as it spreads to dominate the earth like never before, and many other rapidly multiplying and mutating diseases. Let's say this for a thought. You have a child..... from conception to later childhood is his most important development years. When he sits in your stomach everything you put inside you will effect him. Cigarettes, food modified or grown with pesticides or horomones (veggies, beef, chicken etc), water (chlorine in city water to kill bacteria, oh ya and people are not meant to drink chlorine but its in a small quantity so its ok they say)..... When they started putting chlorine in water, heart disease increased dramatically, though they find other things to blame it on. Water in cities also alot of the time may contain fluoride which is poisinous to the human body, this is why they say dont swallow more toothpaste then you use on your brush. Through my early child years i was fed vitamins with fluoride in it. Gee i bet that helped my learning disability or difficulty in concentration. I can't forget the second hand smoke i grew up in, or perhaps the frozen T.V dinners did it, or the McDonalds which the bad stuff outweighs anything that could possibly be good in their food, and then to top it off, they use a clown, and a play land to attract small children to eat their poison food. But then there is Subway, their delicious meats made with animal byproducts and intestines and maybe actual meat all ground togeather, oh cant forget these animals were also grown with horomones stuffed in their food to make them grow unnaturally quicker and larger to produce more food. Sure alot of their stuff is low in fat, and you may lose weight so most people say hey this is great food and healthy to. Well look where the food comes from and think twice.

People need to open their eyes. Have you seen the movie "Fight Club" I will never forget what the main character said when he looks at everyone in his work office, because I see the same thing. All I see is a copy of a copy of a copy, my brother and I try to escape from this, and live differently, and then we are looked at like the wierdos, when they are the ones living the @#%$ life they called the mainstream. It's fun for them but after life whatever is out there, a higher power perhaps, karma, something that created the earth will get them. But then I feel bad for them also because they have grown up and were taught how to live like this (I was also taught like everyone else), and not many have the ability to open their eyes, drop everything and turn their life around for the better. For the better of the earth, for the people, for existence, for their life beyond death. Few have the will power, many have TONS of excuses and ways of trying to prove my healthy life wrong.

Yes I believe something created the earth i don't go for the "It just happened crap" I don't know what it is and I don't think anyone can know for sure. It's impossible to know. I do feel the same energy that created the stars, is what made us, mostly a connection to everything. You live life good or bad and die, and after that you will know what comes next. What you put into the earth is what its energy or the creator will give back to you in health. Its not just individual, its everyone. What you put into your body will be given back to you in energy and health. I believe the more people better themselves, and try, its that much more positive, living energy that flows through the entire cosmos and creates change within it. Good things good, bad things bad. It's all about positive and negative energy. This is not about perfection, but about bettering yourself.

Am I perfect at this? No, a few times a year I go out with friends and party with them and eat wherever. Surely not as much as before, and in moderation not in excess. 365 out of 360 days a year I eat nothing but organic food, much of it raw vegetation, or perhaps steamed. I look at the things I have changed, how I buy food, only buying organic and such, and I am contributing to organic farm development. I have open my mind more, and stopped my one way religion, thinking this person and that person is going to hell. What I do now is so much more for the positive for the earth than the negative. This is all people need to do. This is why some parts of religions are good, they can teach you to better yourself. These are the words I would take into consideration and use in my life. If only we could have the actual teachings of Christ unmarred by humans, Kings or Queens and thrown into a book. If a person is good his/her whole life, only lives to help the earth and to put all others before him/herself, but he/she does not have a belief. Does he/she go to hell? Many say yes, some have said to me that they and everyone since the beginning of time has had a choice, like god had spoken to them or someone was sent to them at one time or another. A nice fairytale I say.

Christianity is young. What about before that, did everyone burn in the mighty pits of hell? Or even now missionaries and television still cannot get everywhere or even if they could they have not gotten to every person on earth. I believe there are still people that have been born and died without the chance of knowing what the Christian religion is, or what Muslim is, or Buddah etc. So how can someone never confronted with this, who lives a life of purity go to hell. I know many religious people have their ways of answering this, but this is the brainwashing or mind minipulation used on them through their lives teaching them to find an excuse for every single questioned asked, and the sad thing is, it works, because these people are doing it with the intentions that they are actually doing good. Its in everyone, not a religion, it is common sense.

Look at everything big or small, it is so simple to see what is really right, and what is really wrong. Don't let the majority rule your life, rule your own life. Use what the earth was created with, it was created with specific things to ensure its existence. People have free will it's to bad it seems to be going in the wrong way, but as long as I do what i feel is right, what I feel helps, then it makes my life better and the worlds.

Losing weight, or just maintaining somewhat of a "healthy" weight does not come by way of dairy drink fortefied with vitamins and stuck in a can. If you could care less about health, then well I guess that is a way for you.

Here is what helped me, not saying anyone would care to do it, but I just offer my route, and help if people would like it. The way I chose is more natural, somewhat barbaric too many. I guess I chose to live how I do 50 percent to feel better, and 50 percent for the earth. I was vegan for 6 months, but since have started eating mostly fish, preferably farm raised, or from places clean of heavy mercury. Sometimes I eat amish (organic) chicken without the hormones and so on. I still do not like to eat meat more than once a week. I still do not eat or drink dairy. I believe everyones body is different. I will never be toned hard or chisled, or looking the way much of society says people should look. By no means am I considered overweight at 6'1 and around 185. I lost about 35-40 pounds, not through starvation, but just by changing my foods. I eat massive amounts of food. I never changed my exercise rate either. I always worked out a few times a week, my weight loss was only from a diet change. My problems with headaches dropped about 75 percent, it was very noticable, after the first few months of my change. The couple minor ailments I had as my friends did and probably gave to me, consisted of a minor sniffle for a couple days and was gone, as where my friends were messed up over twice as bad and for over twice as long. Coincidence? For me no, perhaps to others.

Smoking - Although a smoker that eats healthier is better off than a smoker that eats unhealthy. If you can't quit this habit, I find it hard that someone could help you with other problems besides weight, as in ailments of most kinds of sickness. Wether you eat good or not, smoking just kills and damages in almost all ways in which most smoke. If someone is serious about being healthier all the way around, most would just say quit. I smoke organic tobacco maybe around 3 times a year. Usually just for that buzz while I am at a bonfire, or somewhere in nature, I guess tackling more of a spritual effect. Moderation of things is key. I smoked a pack a day for 3 years, when I quit I just threw it down, and said thats it. You have to get into it, and be serious and tell yourself a particular plant will not rule your life. I believe in will power development, I do not believe in nicotine patches, and nicotine gums.

Raw foods -the only way to get true and complete nutrients. You can make a vitamin in pill form, but it will never carry the same nutritious properties of an actual plant, or living plant for that matter. This does not mean a vitamin can't be good, it just means don't take it and say "Well, I don't need to eat anything else healthy today." There should be vegetation eaten daily. When you cook food you destroy, so even though I do cook, or steam veggies at times, I always include a good amount raw vegetation, and nuts or seeds. If you can't find organic vegetables anywhere, regular store veggies is still better than fast food 4-5 times a week. Just wash it good. Raw vegetation carry the nutrients the body needs to funtion right. Dealing with giving you a strong immune system, a good motablism, and overall just a flushed out body. I have included fruits under this topic also. Fruits contain natural sugars, and I never watch how much I eat of it. Watermelon, grapes, figs, "DATES"mmmm, oranges, strawberries, kiwis, blackberries, apples, and so on.

Fats - I eat quite a bit of fat in my diet, all by ways of nuts, olive oils, seeds, and basically essential fats found in natural or raw foods. I have not gained weight from this. The first 6 months of being vegan I ate hardly any fat which was bad as I had discovered. I then started eating fat, but all natural fats. Omega fats actually clean the arteries and push out the saturated fats that clog the body and lead to disease. Omega fats found in nuts, fish (moderation, as I do not believe in overdoing any meat), or certain types of "healthy oils" are utilalized by the body as energy. They do not get stored in your body like the fats you would get from overly processed foods, or oils, or things they would use in the fast food industry.

Meats - Well I did cut meat out for about 6 months, to flush my body out. I got all of my protein from grains, nuts and legumes. I still do not believe that too much meat is good. I think it takes your body more work to break down. I like meat and eat it now around once a week sometimes not even that. Fish is very healthy depending on where you get it. You have to be careful fishing in polluted waters, high in pesticide levels. This can cause fish to have higher mercury levels. The bigger the fish, the higher the mercury content. Beef, well free range or not, its all around one of the worst meats to overdue. I love steak, I just don't sacrifice my health for taste as so many would. Amish chicken, or chickens raised with no antibiotics I eat sometimes. A tidbit of information that crossed my mind. Would I eat a human? Yes. Would I murder one? No. If I was out in the middle of nowhere, and someone died on me, and I was starving yes I would easily have a big fat steak. I guess if I was not starving, and someone healthy wanted me to try it when they died, I probably would. Could I prepare it, and dice it up, well that would be another story. I think someone would have to make it  .

Liquid consumption - Water. When I began my way of life around a year ago, I began to drink water all the time. Sometimes up to 12-20 glasses a day, mostly that quantity in the summer. Atleast 8 glasses everyday. That does not include all the juices I drink. I do drink quite a bit of juice. All organic juices, and if I can find it, raw unfiltered juices, for example the organic apple juice I get is very cloudy instead of clear. Pineapple, orange, grape, apple, pear, mango, and cranberry juices are some that I drink. I think to much filtering or pasturization kills good things. Some would spew to me that one in a million case where someone gets sick of a bad glass of something organic and unclensed. Well this is not even comparable to the daily death toll related to the man made processed garbage out there. City water can be very bad. Atleast in the U.S. much of the city water contains chlorine to kill harmful bacterias, but when this was introduced, after awhile heart disease rates went up, though it would be blamed on other things. How often before chlorine was introduced (say back in the 50's or 60's or whenever before chlorine), did you hear of massive populations dying from e-coli or other stuff? Not often. Fluoride is also added sometimes to tap water. Fluoride is toxic to the human body, thats why it says not to swallow more toothpaste than you use, or you will have to call the poison control center, atleast in a childs case. Drinking distilled water if possible is the best way to go, or water purified by reverse osmosis. For the first 6 months of my change, I was drinking about 3 tablespoons of Braggs apple cider vinegar a day, in about 8 ounces of water or so. It flushes you out, makes you urinate alot, and kills harmful bacterias throughout your body, and is exceptionally good to flush you and keep you from getting bladder infections, and can help with kidney stones. I would say that apple cider vinegar and water has been a huge reason I lost weight so fast. In early cases, drinking apple cider vinegar and water, or gargling with just apple cider vinegar can cure strep throat. It kills many bacterias, and can be very helpful to a sore throat just by way of a cold, or flu.

Liquid consumption 2 (Beer) - Perhaps something that I have lately been overdoing. There is such thing as bad and good beer to an extent. When you take your major beer companies for example, that is bad. Forced CO2 injections, and well everything in it seems to be going through a rushed processing, also perhaps a little artificial coloring thrown in. My favorite beer is a beer from Scotland, made with organic barely and hops, and aged long enough to where the beer self carbonates itself. There isnt the rush and additions of junk you may find in large commercial beers. When I first started eating healthy, I would say I drank once a month or every 3 weeks. I am not saying this is healthy. A person would be better off never drinking beer at all, but I think it is fair to say, many or most would find this hard. I put this out, to show there are perhaps better ways to go about it.

Dairy - Dairy organic or not here are my thoughts. Tons of people are lactose intolerant, especially many asians and afro americans. I do not believe that a person was made to crawl out into a field and nurse on a cow. I suppose I feel this is another common sense thing to me. People do not even breast feed off their mothers after a certain age. Dairy slows down the body, kills the immune system, heard it can be linked to depression problems, and all the way around slows down human funtions. You see how it is fortefied with vitamins. Well some of the reason it is fortefied is so it can help your body absorb the calcuim, of which is mostly expelled because your body cannot process it anyway. So when you see that milk contains 30% of the calcium you need in a serving, you are actually getting much less. There are plenty of things to get calcium from. I mostly get it from plant greens (kale is very good), almonds, and a few other veggie related things.

Hygene - There is ways of using nature for this, instead of what many do which is using the things we have on the average store shelves. Anti-persperants are bad, wether they are natural or not. Your armpits along with the insides of your elbows, and behind the knees, were made to sweat. This is how you expel toxins, when you use an anti-persprant, it clogs the pores and also keeps these toxins in. When your armpits cannot expel toxins, they are then stored in the lymphnodes in which can then cause illness and slow the bodys process overall. I have read in many cases this could be why women, find lumps in their breasts towards the top or outer part of their breast. When I stopped using arid anti-persprant, I soon developed a very bad rash that lasted over a month. This was my body ridding itself of the toxins and built up garbage that was from the anti-persprant (aluminum and so on). When I began drinking water alot, and eating "clean" I noticed that my underarms lost about 90 percent of the B.O. smell during heavy sweat days with and without use of a deodorant. I never had a bad problem, just as bad the the average, but I did a little test, and the difference was very noticable from how I am now to what I would have smelled like a year ago after sweating like hell with no antipersprant.. When you eat clean, and drink lots of water, there is very little toxic waste in your body in comparison to the average person. Your body will be cleaner smelling overall. The deodorant I use now is not an anti-persprant, it is made with water and essential oils, and works great.

Hygene 2 - The toothpaste I use is made of herbs, and chalk as in calcium. Myrrh, licorce, mint oils, and some other plants or herbs that are good for the teeth. Somtimes I take full strength Tea Tree oil and put it on my toothbrush before my natural toothpaste, and that really cleans the mouth, and kills bacteria. Your mouth even goes a bit numb from the oil, but it really feels clean afterwards. Tea tree oil is also good for athletes foot. It is anti-fungal, and I have used it before. I use to use that spray with all the odd drug company names. Wearing steel-toed shoes all the time can create alot of moisture, in which the fungas breeds. I only get it a couple times a year, but am hoping to never get it as there will be traces of Tea Tree oil left in my shoes when I had perviously used it on my feet. I never thought it would work at first, but I put it on day and night, and it cleared up. This was only done with use of Tea Tree essential oil.

Herbs - I use herbs in many things, food, teas, wounds and so on. Echinacea, and Golden Seal are my favorites. Echinacea for colds, or sickness, although I believe how I eat and so on already has magnified my immune system. Golden Seal especially in powdered form works well with clogging up even major wounds. It is ant-bacterial, and helps the blood clot faster. It can also be taken along side Echinacea. In large doses, Golden Seal internally can be toxic. I have never read or heard of anyone dying or even getting sick from it, I am sure you would have to take a very large amount past the required amount to get sick from it, unless of course you have some kind of allergy to it which I have yet to read about. Echinacea has no known toxins that I have read or found out about. Tea Tree oil is an anticeptic, and very anti-fungal, and good for the teeth, as you can read in the above paragraph. I make teas out of licorice root (Very good sweetener thats actually good for the teeth, and even various throat problems.), mints, hibiscus flowers, lemon balm, echinacea, yerba mate, dried berries, and a few other things.

I believe there are many factors that deal with health, it is more a philosophy, dealing with how you eat, how open someones mind is, and how you take care of the earth and eachother. I believe this all can have positive effects on the body, sprituality being part of this. People can work as a team or family, and still be an individual. I am not against all commercialism, I am against the wrong kinds. Some might say to me that you will probably drop dead of a heart attack at 35. If this is the case, knowone could make me believe that I would have lived a longer life eating fast food everyday. Peoples bodies are made different, some live long and some die young, but even the ones that die young from whatever ailment most likely would have died much sooner living an unhealthy life.

Much of this was written awhile ago, I added to it a little, and thought I would post it. So if it is too long for people to read, thats fine. I use this for people that like the thoughts of the unknown or unfamous. I like to share my beliefs and some experiances with others, possibly to help them, and I have helped some. Even helping one to any degree would make my typing worth it. Fortunatly I have helped a few more. I don't know what is missing perhaps I will alter it or add more another time. As usual negative comments will be ignored, people interested in things or wanting to try to become healthier I love to help. I certainly do not know all, and I am capable of error on some facts, but I just know what has worked for me. It would be about impossible to do everything perfect for the earth, but if most of the people would even try to any extent, it would make the world so much more livable.

« Last Edit: 2002-07-23 23:26:14 by Tywick » Report to moderator   Logged

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