Rush hour at the station !? Do we think that if we see the picture of a crowd in the station of Liverpool !? No, we don 't and the photo isn 't about that at all ! Comparable with the Flash Mob phenomenon, in the station of Liverpool a few hundred youngsters showed up out of nowhere. Mobile Clubbing is the name of things. The purpose is with so many possible to resemble at an exact time at a place chosen in advance, everybody with his own personal mp-3 player at hand. In a short time everybody dances, each on his or hers own favorite music. The dancing happens in complete silence. After a while eveybody disappears.
What gets my attention for such short messages, is the kind of social activity that is involved, where everybody claims there is none. Comments !?
Re:Just for starters, let's party
« Reply #1 on: 2007-06-25 00:27:38 »
These things are quite fun, precisely because of the social activity involved. While there is a kind of trend today to "not conform", what people are really looking for when they don't conform is to be part of a group which isn't ignorant and doesn't have blind faith in authority, rather than to avoid groups altogether. Activities such as these aren't about following opinions or beliefs, they are simply light-hearted social fun: that's why they attract participants. It's more light-hearted than a game even, because games these days often involve long-term committments to characters.
Well, this kind of trend you talk about is IMO more a common social phenomenon than most people think. You see such evolution nowadays in religion where people cling onto their own personal, Christian or otherwise inspired belief. Even atheists and liberals tend more to the pursuit of the self- interest all together, when properly managed, can have good consequences/ results ( Mandeville ).
This kind of evolution is now part of the backbone of Russian society, where the government itself and the Russian people are wholly selfish up to the extreme where corruption and even murder is part of the used dictionary in pursuit of per- sonal happiness. There is no society_ no living together as such, left. Everybody is following, vicious, personal destruc- tive desires. In a flash, the Russian society will stop;- public commerce and industry will be abondoned in order to pursuit perso- nal/ private wealth and power.
And where the sexual revolution of the '6O led to social relationships with no life- long commitments attached to it, this kind of evolution made its made right thru' religion and ends up now conflating society as a whole. Where the outcome of Mandevilles writings was in doubt for a long time, todays social evolution leads to think that his idea ' Private vices, Public benefits ' holds water ( once again) at last.
Re:Just for starters, let's party
« Reply #3 on: 2007-07-04 07:47:17 »
This could be taken one step farther by getting everyone to agree on a BPM tempo and then have everyone show up with a song at half, double or exactly that speed. One person brings a boombox with either a looped beat or something at that tempo, the person gives a signal, starts the boombox and everyone starts dancing (but to their favorite song!). As each person's song finishes, they disperse.