RE: virus: War & Peace / Rethinking Iraq

From: Jei (
Date: Fri May 07 2004 - 07:30:35 MDT

  • Next message: Jei: "Re:virus: War & Peace / Rethinking Iraq"

    On Thu, 6 May 2004, Kalkor wrote:

    > [Kalkor]
    > I would also like anyone who feels they are able, to point out some war
    > throughout history that meets these two qualifications:
    > 1) People killed each other
    > 2) No one was tortured, not even for information

    Can't think of any, but I'm not a historian..

    > I am of the opinion that the use of torture, having survived so many
    > succesful and failed conquests and conflicts, has been proven to be an
    > effective tool for waging war. Regardless of the arguments for and against
    > the need for war, or the circumstances under which it should (or shouldn't)
    > be waged, I think it is paramount to realize that when something ends up
    > being done, it should be done with the greatest efficacy and efficiency. And
    > that means use the tools that are tested, proven, tried-and-true, while
    > seeking and testing other tools. So it should be in war.
    > Hopefully, we'll outgrow wholesale slaughter as our species grows "smarter"
    > or creates something that does. Until then, using war as a tool to achieve
    > an end is an accepted strategy, and using torture to wage war is another
    > good gamble. More power to those soldiers being shot at, who are using the
    > tools we've taught them in high school and college, to build group
    > solidarity and harden themselves to the idea that, for UT reasons, they may
    > have to kill another human being.

    Yeah, all hail US troops doing a swell honest job torturing Iraqis and
    conquering US more oil fields. Efficiency in all things and that.

    But wait, what is the US president saying? - He says they're not
    doing it. And so does his pal Tony Blair. - Now, I'm at a loss.

    - What I'd really like to do away with is the lies. People like
    Joe Dees buy into that shit they say and get stuck too deeply to
    think straight.

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