Re: virus: Re:That hell-bound train

From: Dr Sebby (
Date: Wed Apr 14 2004 - 16:27:29 MDT

  • Next message: Dr Sebby: "Re: virus: Old stuff for fun"

    ...perhaps if easter island residents had spent their time and resources
    developing their island's capacity to sustain them, and not building giant
    stone sculptures, they would still be around.

    ...and offhand i would wager that colonization of the moon might happen
    within 50 yrs, mars in 100 yrs, and other systems perhaps within 200yrs.
    one big issue is controlling gravitational effects limiting acceleration of

    ...we seem to be in a discovery-fest these days revolving around
    infrastructure -> bio-tech & biology, computer science, and other tools
    which will easier permit such grand undertakings as space exploration and
    colonization. without mastering these first, subsequent missions would
    surpass earlier attempts so significantly that we'd have the sad example of
    one interstellar program surpassed 10 fold by another program launched 30
    yrs later. it would be pretty depressing to be on a 25 yr interstellar
    journey and hear in a years old communique that a new program will be
    launching another ship that blows your technology away, and has already
    passed you by.

    "Courage...and shuffle the cards".

    ----Original Message Follows----
    From: "Erik Aronesty" <>
    To: "Church of Virus" <>
    Subject: Re: virus: Re:That hell-bound train
    Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2004 10:46:23 -0400

    Another explanation : “island theory”. Look at what happened to Easter

    If there's overpopulation, and the system cannot sustain the people,
    sometimes the system can break down.

    Most likely, we will need to begin populating another planet within the next
    50 years, or we will suffer from “stagnation”.

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