From: Walter Watts (
Date: Sun Mar 21 2004 - 01:29:35 MST
Infrasound as a Possible Source of
Sensations Of the Paranormal
Recent research conducted by scientists
at the National Physical Laboratory in
England provides strong evidence that
at least one source of paranormal phe-
nomena may be the result of a very low
frequency sound (in the range 10-20
Hz) inaudible to humans called infra-
sound. It is an extreme bass.
Elephants use infrasound to commu-
nicate over long distances or as a
weapon to repel foes. Although people
may not be able to hear it, sometimes
we can feel it. Generated by natural phe
nomena, such as storms, seasonal winds
weather patterns, and some types of
earthquakes, infrasound can produce a
range of bizarre effects in people includ-
ing anxiety, extreme sorrow, and chills.
The study was conducted by Richar
Lord, an acoustic scientist at the Nationa
Physical Laboratory in England, and
Richard Wiseman, a psychologist at the
University of Hertfordshire, in Purcell
Room, a concert hail in South London.
Lord and Wiseman used a 22.5-foot pipe
to generate the infrasound (17 Hz at lev-
els of 6-8 decibels), testing it on 750 peo-
ple who were attending a concert in
London. The audience heard four con-
temporary pieces of live music. Some of
these were laced with infrasound.
Audience members were then asked to
describe their reactions to the music.
According to Wiseman, ‘Some of
the experiences in our audience includ-
ed ‘shivering on my wrist’, ‘an odd feel-
ing in my stomach’, ‘increased heart
rate’, feeling very anxious’, and ‘a sud-
den memory of emotional loss’.”
The results showed that although
members of the audience did not know
which pieces included infrasound and
were unable to consciously detect the
infrasound, 22% reported unusual experi-
ences when it was present in the music.
These induded feelings of unease or sor-
row, chills down the spine, or nervous
feelings of revulsion or fear. As Wiseman
told Reuters: “Some scientists have sug-
gested that this level of sound may be
present at some allegediy haunted sites
and so cause people to have odd sensa-
tions that they attribute to a ghost. Our
findings support these ideas. This was an
experiment done under controlled condi-
tions and it shows infrasound does have
an impact, and that has implications..
a religious context and some of the
unusual experiences people may be hav-
ing in certain churches.”
-- Walter Watts Tulsa Network Solutions, Inc. "Pursue the small utopias... nature, music, friendship, love" --Kupferberg-- --- To unsubscribe from the Virus list go to <>
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