Re: virus: Corollary to my prior definition of Trust and Faith

From: Neil Lucock (
Date: Sun Feb 22 2004 - 02:41:12 MST

  • Next message: ElvenSage: "virus: Re:Virus Vacation?"

    On Sun, 2004-02-22 at 00:13, Erik Aronesty wrote:
    > Which is why I evangelize transhumanism and life extension.
    ever read Robert Anton Wilson's Schrodinger's Cat comedy? They had a
    SMILE economy, which if I remember correctly, stood for Space Migration,
    Intelligence and Life Extension.They (the political party in the novels)
    took the phrase "an end to death and taxes" as their slogan and worked
    towards achieving it.A sort of Libertarian Immortalist manifesto.

    The faith you discussed, expectations as a result of extrapolation, is
    reasonable.An aviator in 1914 might have extrapolated trends and
    predicted that an aircraft might fly at 500 mph for over 6 hours
    carrying 200 people. Not possible at the time but they had an algorithm
    showing how to make inanimate things fly. All that was needed was an
    improvement in technological techniques to make it happen (about 50
    years later).
    Cryonics seems to be a lost cause to me. They are putting their faith in
    a company (which must survive until the technology develops), an
    unproven technology and an assumption that future generations will want
    to spend time and effort on reviving that person. However, a slim chance
    is better than no chance at all, so if they want to spend their money
    that way, who am I to gainsay them? Some unexpected benefit may arise.
    Tutankhamun had his tomb filled with things for hsi afterlife, we
    learned about his life from them.Someone my need a sample of 20th
    Century DNA for some useful project.
    SETI has my vote. We should be moving to the near planets and moons
    (well, Mars, Luna and Titan).

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