virus: The Crop Circles Hoax

From: Jei (
Date: Mon Jan 12 2004 - 16:07:45 MST

  • Next message: Pat: "Re: virus: terraforming mars"

                      Cropcircles made by military satellites

       I (the author of this web-site) have been visiting some crop circles
       in the UK, and I took some samples of vegetation and dead insects with
       At home, with my microscope I have been carefully observing the
       tissues of the plants and of the insects. In order to find out how
       their state could be reproduced, I put some healthy plants and insects
       in a modified microwave oven combined with a laser burner (yes, I am
       truly sorry for this rude experiment) and I examined the tissues under
       the microscope.
       Comparing the tissues, that I took from the crop circles in the UK
       with that I took from my microwave oven, bought me to an interesting
       conclusion : they look highly similar.
       In other words, the cropcircles have been produced by microwave laser
       technology. This technology is used by the military.

                               Microwave laser games

       As you know, with lasers it is possible to cut (fashion, dentist,
       etc.), bend and melt (industrial), and so forth, at great precision
       and from large distance. Microwave laser technology, or better, maser
       technology, is used at a military satellite in order to "shoot" maser
       beams at precisely computed locations on our planet.
       This kind of satellite is aimed to destoy anyhting at any time at any
       location under any atmospheric circumstances. Such satellite is not
       publicly known, i.e. kept secret, of course, and is responsible for
       several "unresolved" airplane crashes.
       Yes my dear visitor, maser satellites are flying right over you and
       you are not safe. It is all in the game of cover-up, misusing the
       belief of mankind that extra-terrestials are having an artistic party
       overnight. Well, not so, as the militaries are playing around with
       masers, using computers to design nice patterns and to guide the maser
       In the early 1970's I started playing with mainfame computers to
       produce nice mathematical patterns. And sure I was not the only one.
       It is a common hobbyism. Nothing to do with galactic federations and
       Alien prophecies or symbols of universal wisdom.

                         Cropcircles are computer designed

       Now, back to my microscopic investigation : in both cases (from the UK
       by artistic militaries and from my microwave & laser burner) the
       tissues of the plants showed tiny particles of near-crystallized dust
       that were melted / bonded with the tissue. Both the plants and the
       insects were literally cooked. This effect can only be reached by
       Aiming a computer guided maser at high altitude towards a crop field,
       in about 15 seconds a large complex pattern can be projected and
       "cooked in", using rotating maserbeams (it would be quite unfortunate
       if you would be moving under the beam at such moment)

                                 Weapon used as toy

                    This is what a maser satellite may look like

       This is how crop circles are made, with a computer guided maser
       satellite, by bored artistic militaries. Period.
       Oh, and the light flashes ? Well, simple, because of the
       electromagnetic field that is caused by the maser, the energy release
       is perceived as a flash of light. Sure they leave traces of energy in
       the plants, commonly incorrectly interpreted as spiritual energies of
       some sort. I have been into this research myself when I was studying
       all that stuff for my graduation.
       By the way, if indeed Aliens have been around for thousands of years,
       how come that only since a few years cropcircles have been reported ?
       Since a few years, however, we do have star wars satellites - made by
       us - orbiting planet Earth. Once again, crop circles are NOT made by
       Aliens or UFOs, but simply by a maser satellite, programmed by a bunch
       of geeks. Keep it simple.

                              Copyright © Tee Gee Ack

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