Re: virus: Zionism, Anti-Semitism and American Democracy

From: Erik Aronesty (
Date: Thu Nov 27 2003 - 16:47:36 MST

  • Next message: Keith Henson: "Re: virus: Re:to the students here"

    "...i know you didnt mean it this way, but"

    Feel free to add that qualifier before all your interpretations and meaning-making.

    The truth about judaism is the same as the truth in all religions. On one hand, Jews value knowledge, always questioning and seeking clarification. This is the noble heart. On the other side, the religion is full of rituals whose original purpose had been forgotten. It is exclusive, and it contains an implicit "ranking" system, where no Jew ever feels adequate enough or Jewish enough.

    There are positive and negative sides to every religious practice. The trick is to, when dealing with a religious person, foster the good stuff and look beyond the stuff that doesn't appeal to you. Every person on this planet has potential.

    And on the subject of "a little dogma is just as bad as a lot" ... My answer to that is that by villifying all religion, you are creating a religion of your own, just as dogmatic and as the rest. This is fine, just so you know what you are doing.

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