RE: virus: Re: What does it mean to be me?

From: Epidemic (
Date: Mon Nov 10 2003 - 14:14:22 MST

  • Next message: Erik Aronesty: "Re: Re:virus: New virian virtue"

    [quote from: on 2003-11-04 at 09:05:06]
    At 09:28 AM 04/11/03 +0200, you wrote:


    Actually we are not that far off from understanding it from hippocampus
    damage cases.

    We understand little. The hippocampus does a lot, and a loss of personality in these cases could be attributed to almost any function of the hippocampus that could be impaired.

    You can elaborate on Dawkins without violating his original discussion in
    Selfish Gene. Any time someone uses the word, you should be able to
    replace it with "replicating information pattern," "element of culture,"
    "learned element of culture," "culturegen" (a earlier term for the same
    thing) or other similar terms.

    The concept of self is replicable in that if I act or react to something that you do, you are reinforced with a sense that you are a separate entity. No, it cannot be taught or passed on like langauage or religion, in that you are right. But it is still something that is learned, not ingrained into the brain's "hardware." If it is learned, it is transmitted. If it is transmitted, it is replicated. If it is information that replicates, it is a meme. Sorry I didn't spell it out for you.

    This message was posted by Epidemic to the Virus 2003 board on Church of Virus BBS.
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