Re:virus: Abuse of power or playful bickering?

From: Kid-A (
Date: Wed Sep 03 2003 - 20:23:34 MDT

  • Next message: Hermit: "Re:virus: Abuse of power or playful bickering?"

    I consider this to be an isolated occasion, as I don't recall any other times this has happened in #virus, unless kick was merely intended as a joke, in which case has happened to me a few times.

    This time it was a simple case of

    Mermaid insults Hermit when he's not around
    Hermit finds out gets pissed off and inisults Mermaid back
    Hermit kicks Mermaid
    Mermaid rejoins....futher insults
    Kick Ban
    a few more insults fly around
    a few minutes later the ban is lifted and hermit kicks and bans himself for being so reckless with words.
    Mermaid tells me how insecure Hermit is

    I would have to say that this is more of a personal insult match, rather than a disagreement over policy etc

    And so should be treated as isolated.


    ps pardon any crappy grammar i cannot see wht i am typing

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