Re: virus: Compatibilism

From: Walter Watts (
Date: Thu Aug 21 2003 - 13:58:49 MDT

  • Next message: Walter Watts: "virus: Jesus H. Christ in a speedo....."

    Kharin wrote:

    Dennett's particular contribution to this line of thought - is that if, by instrumentalist assumption, the evolution of agency is just the evolution of sufficiently agent-like behaviour, then whether or not you are an agent is independent of how your behaviour is caused."

    I am an agent, in the truest Darwinian sense. However, my agency has NOTHING to do with causation of ANY KIND!!

    It's all a freegin exaptatious accident.

    The fitness landscape cares not one fucking whit about agency.


    Walter Watts
    Tulsa Network Solutions, Inc.
    "Reminding you to help control the human population. Have your sexual partner spayed or neutered."
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