Re: virus: To all you worthless LOSERS!!

Date: Mon May 12 2003 - 03:57:40 MDT

  • Next message: "virus: dear ma . . ."

    [Jake2] Dad? Is that you? wow. To finally meet you here of all places. To
    hear you voice and to see your words. . . . gasp . . . I think I can even see
    your face now, . . . Pa! . . . It's you, Jonathan Davis, My father! Revealed
    to me in the Church of the Virus! Lucifer really DOES save lost souls!!!!!

    :::Jake begins to weep:::



    [Jonathan Davis] Forget yo mamma, Jake. Ask yourself: "Who's my daddy?"

    Happy mothers days to you and yours too.


    [Jake1] Do not make fun of my MOTHER!!!!!!!!!!!

    If you have the cojones to do such a thing, let's take it to the #virus
    channel! You'll be sorry you even showed up you slimey no good mother fucker.
    No wait! You are worse than a mother fucker, you can just go fuck yourself
    for all your mother cares about your sorry ass. She'd be ashamed that she was
    cuddling an asshole like you when you finally came, you worthless

    Eat shit and fester!

    Of course if you weren't going to slander my mother, then happy fucking
    mother's day, you coward!!



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