Re: virus: more important than love?

From: Casey M (
Date: Wed Jan 09 2002 - 10:59:33 MST

What really is the most important thing in life, in your esteemed opinions?

Human interaction is the most important thing in life. Without that, there
can be no love. How would you know whom to love if you never interacted
with that person. How would you know what love is if you didn't interact
with someone at some time.

Human interaction is an essential ingredient in all stages of life.
>From infancy to old age--all humans have a need to communicate with others.
The need may not be explicitly known, in fact, I believe that often times it
is an implicit factor. I've met several people over my lifetime who could
be considered anti-people persons; but after hanging out with them for a
while I soon discovered that it was just the opposite. They didn't want
people intruding in their lives, but they wanted contact with others despite
the outward appearance to the contrary.

However, human interaction can manifest itself in many forms--love, hate,
compassion, horror, dread, happiness, etc. So, human interaction isn't
necessarily puppies and roses. It can be used in ways that may be
considered counter-productive. But, that's the risk that is inherent in
humanity. We can't have the good without the bad.

I'd enjoy going into this further, but time does not permit me to do so. Oh
yeah, money is important. But, humans lived for centuries without money.
If we're talking about an abstract concept, then what I stated is pretty
valid. On the other hand, we live in a capitalist society so I understand
the response your bf presented.

By the way, tell you bf to chew gum! It's working wonders for me. No cigs
in 3 days and no nic fits, either. ;)

Mis dos centavos,

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